Monday, May 8, 2017


Hi friends,


Some people like to own a car irrespective of their income. You find pleasure and feel proud of it. You say it is a status symbol. You can go out anytime with your family. Your children are happy about it. They love their daddy's car. 

It is a pleasure to talk to your vehicle, caress it, wash it every week and polish it. It is like your child. You get immense pleasure in maintaining it in top condition. You are happy when other people appreciate your car. 

When you visit relatives by going in your car there is unique satisfaction for your entire family. To go for a drive when you are happy or sad is refreshing. When you give a lift to others they are happy. In case of emergency, you can help by lending your car. 


The other man feels the opposite. He says it is a waste of money. You can engage a cab anytime. It is less expensive. You need not spend money on petrol and maintenance. You don't worry about accidents, police, court, and compensation. There is no tension while driving if you hire a cab. 

You need not waste your time in washing, cleaning and polishing it. Hassles of learning and getting a driving license do not arise. You don't need additional space to park it, protect it from sunlight, etc. If you buy you have only one car, if you hire you have many cars, 

You don't envy others who own costlier cars than you. You need not worry about the hike in petrol price. A new car lasts only for 5 years and then you will have to replace it. If your car breaks down en route, you will be in trouble especially during the night or long journey.


You may own a car provided 1. Your income is high. 2. You travel long distance daily to office. 3. You move out frequently with your family. 4. You go out of the station often with family. 5. You have a passion for driving. 6. You are willing to replace it every 3 years. 7. You are a businessman and you get depreciation. 

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