Tuesday, April 25, 2017


Hi friends,

There is a worst old age home en route my walk. I saw a young couple and an old man got down from the auto and went inside. He was around 65. The lady, about 30, took his belongings and the man, about 35, held him. I could only imagine the cattle taken to the slaughterhouse. 

People fail to notice what happens when a child is born. The child breaths on its own. It cries and smiles on its own. What does it mean? It does not require anyone for its existence. It says it can survive on its own. But people believe that it is their child without understanding reality.

Among all living beings, only humans are endowed with the power of 6th sense. But they lack it. Other living beings get the younger ones, rear it for some time till it can manage on its own and leave it into the world. But only the humans attach love sentiments on the child till his death.

God is responsible for its birth and they are just given the opportunity to take care of it until a certain time. If they are under the presumption that they are responsible for everything the child acquires,  they are totally wrong. Only with the protection of God, it grows on its own.

When the child becomes physically and intellectually strong, he starts living on his own. But the parents develop possessive sentiments and interfere in all his activities. They should move away from him when he gets married. They don't do it. He should have the freedom to lead his own life.

Most of the parents commit the mistake of spending everything on the child and remain penniless when they are old. They do not save enough to safeguard their future. They become dependent upon the child until their death. The children may not be able to take care of them.

If they protect the child for 25 years, the child should protect them for 25 years is old theory. Now they must be self-reliant and self-sufficient. They should not be at the mercy of the child. They may not be happy if they depend on him. He has his own future and he has to take care of his family.

Due to old age, if they happen to live with the child, they must mind their business. He is the boss and they are not. They must go along with him. They should not question him and put rules in his house. There should be no demand or expectation from them. They should leave him to lead his life.

If they want to live together, they will have to live like that. It means they have understood reality. They will have peace of mind. In case of need, they may also go to a good old age home with their money and lead a peaceful life. Otherwise, they will suffer for the rest of their life. MAY GOD BLESS YOU.

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