Wednesday, July 17, 2019


256. If someone takes up public service, without discharging the duties towards his family, it is ridiculous, hypocrisy and fraudulent.

257. It is human nature to observe only the negative and not the positive. A dark spot is predominantly visible on a white background.

258. Happiness does not lie in evading responsibilities and avoiding problems in life. It is in facing them boldly and solving them intelligently.

259. People waste their time seeing TV and talking on the cellphone. Productivity is lost. One day the Govt may regulate their usage.

260. Countries with Most Cellphone users. 1.China 1.3 Billion. 2.India 1.17 Billion. 3.The United States 327 Million. 4.Brazil 284 Million. 5.Russia 256 Million.

261. In private companies, cellphones are not allowed. To contact anyone, you will have to go through mainline. Do you welcome the idea?

262. All our pains and pleasures are designed by the Lord, with great care and concern, specifically for every individual in this world.

263. If you take it as pleasure then it is a pleasure. If you take it as pain then it is pain. The difference is in your outlook only.

264. The Lord knows very well to what extent you can carry a load. He will give you only that much of load. Nothing more, nothing less.

265. To decide whether an act is good or bad, both action and intention should be considered. Of the two, the intention is important.

266. 1. Any Act, with good intention and good action, is always good. 2. Any Act, with good intention but with bad action is also good.

267. 3. Any Act, with bad intention but with good action, is bad. 4. Any Act, with bad intention and with bad action is always bad.

268. An idle mind is the devil's workshop. If we keep busy with good actions, evil thoughts will never come to us and we will become pure.

269. To lead a perfect life, we must get rid off evil thoughts. We must be engaged in developing good thoughts and doing good deeds.

270. Doing good-deeds keeps us constantly engaged in thinking about God and thereby we earn His grace all the time. Evil thoughts will vanish.

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