Wednesday, August 9, 2017


Earlier, girls were married at a very young age and there were objections to it. It was then enacted that 18 for girls and 21 for boys as the ideal age for marriage. Nowadays, parents find it difficult to get their daughters married even at the age of 30. What are the reasons for the delay? 

1. Demand for dowry etc is the main reason for the delay in marriage.

2. In a family where there are no sons, the daughter has to take responsibility.
3. When the daughter is the eldest, she has to help her father in bringing up other children.
4. If the girls are better educated, it is difficult to get suitable boys.
5. Middle-class parents are financially weak after meeting her educational expenses.
6. In poor families, the daughters have to work to earn their own wedding expenses.
7. Girls, after getting employment, do not wish to lose their independence.
8. Some girls are modern and outspoken which the boy's parents resent.
9. Boys working in foreign countries prefer only girls working there.

Due to these factors, the marriage of the daughter is delayed. Please note that many people are not aware of Downs Syndrome, a chromosomal imbalance, leading to mental disorder in children born due to late marriage in women. More the age of the girl, more the chances. It is directly proportional to the age of the girl. So every effort should be made to get the girls married at least by the age of 25. MAY GOD BLESS YOU.

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