Tuesday, November 29, 2016


Hi, friends,

There are four divisions in the ruling of the country. They are:

1.The Legislature makes the law

2.The Administration executes the law

3.The Judiciary supervises the execution of the law.

4.The Media is the watchdog.

The general public is employed in every one of the above as well as they are outside also. If everyone attends to their business and allows the system to run as per law then there will be smooth functioning of the system and there will be NO corruption. 70 years ago it was like that and there was no black money.

Generally, Judiciary and Media are considered to be corrupt-free. Only the legislature and administration are considered to be corrupt. The administration is the major source of corruption helped by the legislature. Both of them go hand in glove.

1. The general public, when they want to get anything to be done early by the govt. without waiting for the normal time, they bribe the administrator. There enters cancer called corruption. By getting it done early they could make more money.

2. The general public consists of rich/poor, educated/uneducated, employed/unemployed, business/nonbusiness, professional/nonprofessional. Their income varies from person to person. If they consider what they earn/get is what they DESERVE then there is no problem. They will work hard to earn more.

Instead, they want to LIVE THE LIFE of the more fortunate. There enters cancer. They need more money and they become GREEDY. They want to make easy money and corruption grows.

If the general public [ you and I ] lead a perfectly normal life within our income as advised by our forefathers there will not be any corruption in our country.  MAY GOD BLESS YOU.

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