Monday, October 17, 2016


Hi friends,

Everyone loves his place. If he goes to a different place, he longs to come back. Such is the attachment. People do not evaluate the plus and minus of both places. He always considers his place as the best.

I lived in Chennai for 50 years. I have shifted to Hyderabad. I wish to compare both the cities for their plus and minus. In my opinion, it is a fair assessment. It is up to the readers to accept or reject it.

1.WEATHER: Chennai is hot and sultry from March to September, and it rains from October to December. It is pleasant only in January and February. Hyderabad is hot during April and May. The rain during June, July, and August is not severe.  It is pleasant for the rest of the year. Humidity is low and there is no sweating.

2. RESPECT FOR ELDERS: In the buses, two seats in white are earmarked for senior citizens. In Chennai, people do not vacate the seat even on request. In Hyderabad, people offer you with all respect. People are sympathetic, friendly, and helpful to elders

3. SOIL: Chennai has clay soil not suitable for construction. Cracks develop in the buildings. Sufficient precaution is to be taken. The groundwater is salty. People use rainwater. In Hyderabad the soil is rocky. Foundation is strong. Manjeera river water is used for drinking.

4. REAL ESTATE: In Chennai, demand for real estate and rental is more. The cost of houses is high. 10 months rent as advance is collected. In Hyderabad, the demand is normal, the cost is cheaper and only 2 months advance is collected.

5. PRICES: In Chennai the cost is high and the quality is not good. Most of the shops are supermarkets and they do not pass on the discount to the customers. In Hyderabad, you have small Kiranas and they share the discount. This makes prices cheaper and the quality is also good.

6. RELIGION: In Chennai, the Hindus outnumber the Muslims. They live in separate pockets. During Vinayaka Chaturthi, there is always a ruckus. In Hyderabad, both communities are equal and they live together harmoniously. There is religious tolerance.

7. ENTERTAINMENT: In Chennai, you have a beach for the poor. Even then, cinemas are costly. The ticket is Rs.150. The rate is more for new releases. The hotels are costly. Even idly and dosa is costly. In Hyderabad, the rate for an AC theater is Rs40. The hotels are also comparatively cheaper.

8. TRANSPORT: In Chennai, people travel by bus and EMU trains. It is heavily crowded. The seats are narrow and not sufficient for one person. The crew is rude and does not respect the passengers. Auto drivers charge a fortune.  In Hyderabad buses, the front half is for ladies with separate doors and the rear half is for gents with separate doors. There is good understanding among the bus/auto drivers and the public. EMU compartments are clean and neat.

9. LABOUR: In Chennai it is costly. They charge exorbitant rates and they never do the work properly and completely. In Hyderabad, the labor is reasonable. The quality of work is also good. They come on time and do not cheat on the purchase of materials.

10. CLEANLINESS: Both Chennai and Hyderabad lack in this aspect. However, Hyderabad is better.  Secundrabad Railway station is far better than Chennai Central. You find filth on the tracks in Chennai Central. Most of the roads are cemented in Hyderabad. People are more responsible and do not throw rubbish on the road.

11. EDUCATION: In Chennai the standard is good. But there is the language problem. The capitation fees are high. In Hyderabad, the standard is better, the syllabus is tough, and Hindi is compulsory. More people are successful in IIT and IIM and go overseas for higher studies.

12. ECONOMY: Hyderabad is better than Chennai. Krishna, Godavari, and other rivers provide water for irrigation. There is water scarcity in Chennai. Chennai consists of a moving population. Hyderabad is growing. New industries are coming up and real estate is growing. There is good governance and people are happy.

13.ELECTRICITY: Chennai is better placed than Hyderabad. In Chennai, thermal stations and nuclear power stations contribute to higher power generation. In Chennai, it is cheaper but the demand is more. In Hyderabad, it is costly but the demand is less due to the weather


  1. Venu Bochela True. Also parking in Chennai mall is doubled every hr, but it's cheaper in Hyd. The only thing I miss at Hyd is BEACH. CHENNAI has lot of beaches and I enjoyed my school and college days.🏊🏄

  2. Narayana Prasad A very detailed and well-composed analysis. Very nice. arnp.

  3. Good one. Very detailed analysis. :)


  4. Sureshkumar Sanjeevi
    Sureshkumar Sanjeevi Brilliant fair Analys
