Wednesday, January 1, 2020


631. On New year's day, some prostrate before the parents, some go to the cinema, some go to the alcohol bar. All are God's creations!!

632. Every new year one should assess to what extent he has improved intellectually and financially over last year and in the new year.

633. In 2020, at the age of 75, I have now realized that I should live for myself and enjoy the rest of my life. I am planning on it.

634. In normal life or on the battlefield, it is important others should not know our weaknesses. They should only know our strengths.

635. It is said all that glitters is not gold. The human mind is deceived by external appearance. So, one must be very careful in life.

636. A son and daughter inherit their parents. But DIL and SIL are from different families. We should appreciate them if they are good.

637. It is deplorable that, under the guise of freedom of expression, many people talk or write beyond their knowledge and intellect.

638. The reason for having many children is that the onus of taking care of the parents pass on from one to the other at various stages

639. It is hypothetical to say that two people of different beliefs can remain as friends. There is no evidence in history to prove it.

640. All are not friends. A friend is a person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, exclusive of sexual or family relations.

641. Sunlight is very important. Any place without sufficient sunlight is not good for our health. It may be good for the mind and body

642. Affection and understanding between two people stem only from similar thoughts, lifestyles, ages, ideas, beliefs, and principles.

643. I do not accept the idea of male chauvinism or feminism or man and woman are equal. I believe both are different in all aspects.

644. Some women work only in their homes. Some women work in other homes also. Some women do not work in both places. Who is smarter?

645. Karnavedha or the ear-piercing is done by the Hindus prior to the 8th month of a baby. It is believed to improve brain functions.

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