Friday, December 30, 2016


Hi friends,

I am a blessed soul. I have a wonderful family. My wife is lovable, attentive, understanding and cooperative. My children love, respect and worship me. They are well settled in life. My SIL and DIL are the best. The three grandchildren make life a paradise.  

My family is like a car,  my daughter is the engine, my son is petrol and we are the drivers. We have a lot of love, understanding, concern and care among ourselves. I live for the happiness of my wife and children. I imagine how nice it would be if I have nine children like my father. 

I lived a near-perfect life. I never harmed anyone, never walked on the wrong path, never failed to do my duty and always helped others. I have come up in a hard way. In my Will, my wife will get the inheritance. I have medical insurance for us. My children are friendly with each other. What else I can aspire for in life?

I committed three grave mistakes in life. It was not deliberate. It was due to ignorance. Otherwise, life would have been different. I am able to assess, analyze, judge and criticize myself. To that extent, I am matured. I brood over those mistakes and cry. I will not get another chance to redeem.

I am hearing impaired. I tried a hearing aid. It is of no avail. Long usage gives a headache. Ear lobes get bruises. I can talk to one person if he is close to me and in the frequency suitable for me to hear. I cannot manage the conference. My eyesight is also failing. My stomach is too sensitive.

The sound of a car, the barking of a dog, the crying of a baby, the whistling of the wind, the music on the TV, I can hear nothing. There is only silence everywhere. When a dog barks, I can only see the dog but I do not hear the barking nor feel its ferocity. It is dead for me.

I do not have wild desires. I love reading and writing. I love music. I wish to travel. But health does not permit. Due to physical problems, I have lost interest in everything. For survival, I need a small room, simple food, simple dress and peace of mind. The last one is evading. Where can I get it?

I want to reach my final destination. O' God, Bless me. I need the boarding pass to reach Your Lotus Feet where I can find peace and solace. In normal journey, we gather our luggage eagerly to alight. But in the last journey, there is no destination, no luggage, no eagerness, and on alighting. 

The last song of the swan is a metaphorical phrase for a final gesture, effort or performance given just before dying or retirement or leaving. This term is derived from the legend that, swans sing beautifully and mournfully just before they die, while they are mute during the rest of their lives. MAY GOD BLESS YOU.

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