Monday, December 19, 2016


Hi friends,

This morning during my walk, I saw a college-going boy and a girl aged about 18, fair and good looking, coming from the opposite direction, carrying shoulder bags, holding their hands and before crossing me, talking, laughing, giggling, fighting, arguing, slapping, and smiling. Hence this article.

Parents do not consider that their children are matured enough to take an independent decision on marriage. They are unable to digest the fact that their children have taken the decision without even consulting them. So they take it as an insult. Also, they are much worried in case of any eventuality.

Assuming that you are studying in a college, one day after reaching the class you come to know that there is a test. You have not prepared well and with what you have followed in the class, you write the test. You expect 50% but when the mark is announced you get 65%. You are so happy because you got more than you expected.

Assuming the lecturer announces a test before a week, and you prepare day and night and go well prepared. You write the test to your fullest satisfaction and you expect 95%. When the result comes you get the first mark in the class with a score of 85%. Though you got the first mark, you are not happy because you expected 95 but got only 85.

In the first case, you are happy when you got only 65 but you are unhappy when you got 85 in the second case. You are unhappy because you do not get what you expected. Similarly, in an arranged marriage, you do not know anything about the spouse and you have no expectation. You are happy even if you get reasonable satisfaction and you can improve upon it in due course. 

But in love marriage, it is the opposite. You know the person well as you both have moved closely. While making love, the boys do various things to please the girls but they are different after marriage. Mostly the lover turns into a husband which breaks the heart of the girl. If they continue to be LOVERS EVEN AFTER MARRIAGE, then they will ever be happy. 

While I was in college, I received love letters from two girls. I told them that I was not open. I was not mentally strong to face failure and that I believed in love after marriage. Sanctity was important to me. I wanted to be a RAMA to my would-be wife. Even in buses, I stood away from ladies. Of course, I wanted to marry two handicapped girls but there was no love episode. 

According to research, in India arranged marriages are more and love marriages are less for ethical, moral, cultural, traditional, regional, linguistic, communal, economic, and religious reasons. In cosmopolitan and well to do families this concern does not arise due to the money power and the independence of the children.  GOD BLESS YOU.

DETAILS TAKEN FROM GOOGLE: In fact, today up to 90 percent of marriages in India and 60 percent of all marriages in the world are arranged. Divorce rates in India overall are pegged at about 1.2 percent. In India rates of divorce in love marriages are much higher than in arranged marriages. According to a 2012 study by Statistic Brain, the global divorce rate for arranged marriages was 6 percent — a significantly low number. Compared to the 55 percent of marriages in the world that are arranged, this low statistic shows the success rate of arranged marriages.


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