Monday, March 11, 2024

Random thoughts 2181 to 2195.

2181. A bacteria called LISTERIA which grows very fast in cold weather contaminates the food  stored long in the fridge very quickly.

2182. ALOHA means Ask, Listen, Observe, Hear, Ask again in caretaking. It is also the Hawaiian word for love, affection, peace, compassion and mercy.

2183. Within two weeks of quitting sugar, you may experience a better mood, have higher energy levels, and even speed up your weight loss. 

2184. Maturity in marriage is when the couple agrees to stop sharing gifts and spending their time and money on travel to create memories.

2185. Maturity in marriage is not about questioning the spouse but in questioning oneself.

2186. Elephant family is all women group. Males leave the herd early. Females look after kids. Most experienced female takes decisions.

2187. I am very flexible, adjustable, amenable and adaptable. I wonder how some people are so stubborn (பிடிவாதம்) in nature!!!

2188. Bad smell in the armpits is due to bad bacterial reaction with sweat. You may Use anti bacterial soap  and apply diluted backing soda after bath.

2189. I used to sympathise with youngsters who talked on cellphone holding it on their shoulder while driving a bike. Now I damn care.

2190. The resale value of a car bought by husband in 2010 for 4 lakhs is now 1 lakh. A jewellery bought by wife for 4 lakhs in 2010 is worth 16 lakhs now.

2191. The wife said to her husband that she was going out for a few hours and whether he wants anything. He said that is what he wants.

2192. The main reason for the cities losing its charm now is due to the carbon emissions from the vehicles and the loss of open spaces.

2193. The door is smaller than the house. The lock is smaller than the door. The key is smaller than the lock. But only the key can open the entire house.

2194. Discussing issues about your in laws with your husband is just like discussing malaria with mosquitoes. Same thing. No solution.

2195. If the husband earns 60k and his wife earns 40k, the total income of the family is 60k and not 100k. The husband should understand this.

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