Wednesday, December 1, 2021


Dear madam,

In 1950, for every 100 females, the number of males was about 105. In 2020, for every 100 females, the number of males was about 108. Until 2020, the male-to-female ratio of India is growing at an average annual rate of 0.19%. In 2021, there is a sudden turnaround. The female population has gone up and it is now 102 females per 100 men.

What does it imply? When the women population was less, there was a demand for women for marriage, and men were in search of women. Now with an increase in the population of women, they will find it difficult to get married as there are fewer men.

In addition to that, there are other problems if their wedding gets delayed. Kindly read this patiently. It is not my intention to brainwash the women to marry or not to marry. It is your personal right. I wish to mention a few points which you may not be aware of.

1. Firstly, you should know about Down's syndrome. It is caused by chromosomal imbalance that leads to the birth of mentally challenged children. Only the women are responsible and not the men. The chances are more when women become older and older.

2. As a woman grows older and older, her pelvic bones become harder and harder losing their flexibility. This makes childbirth difficult. They suffer more during labor. Hence cesarian section is performed leading to problems later in life.

3. A career-minded woman is happy with her job, salary, freedom, etc. only until she attains the age of 35. Afterward, she feels lonely in life without any responsibility. Only a child can bring solace in her life and give her a purpose in living.

4. Assuming you are in college, one day the lecturer suddenly gives a test. You have not prepared, but you score 60 marks. You are happy. In another test, given a week, you prepare well and expect 100. When you get 90, you are unhappy. Why? Expectation. Is it not?

5. Similarly, in arranged marriage there is no expectation but in a love marriage, there is a huge expectation. Men, normally, will become different after marriage due to the attitude of possession. They will behave like a husband and do not continue as a lover.

6. "You are what you are now" is only due to the efforts of your parents. Is it not your duty to make them happy and to look after them in their old age? Do you expect them to go to old-age homes and suffer? Is it what you give them back?

7. You are educated and you must be intelligent. In fact, you should only be looking for a man who does not have any bad habits, who is not short-tempered, and who will gladly accept to take care of your parents as his own in case they do not have a son.

8. The ball is in your court now. And you have to play the game. Do not further delay your marriage. There are so many things you have to perform as a mother. Your children will glorify you. There is nothing equal to that in the world. May God bless you. 

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