Tuesday, December 7, 2021


901. Behind every successful man, there stands a woman warning him not to do certain things. Behind every successful woman, there stands a man encouraging her to do certain things.

902. The claim by the women that they are equal or superior to the men is only until they sight a cockroach in their bedroom.

903. Only when we fall sick do we understand that no part of our body is unimportant. Health is important.

904. No one loses health by doing hard work. One who has earned wealth legitimately will always enjoy wealth and good health irrespective of age.

905. If our intention, words, and actions do only good to others, the Lord himself will come to see us.

906. Even after seeing many people suffer in life after getting married, people marry and get children shows one's self-confidence.

907. Setting the alarm on the clock in the night shows our confidence that we will live tomorrow.

908. Now ideal couples are a rarity. Understanding couples are a majority. Fighting and divorcing couples are a minority.

909. When we fail to learn what the elders teach us when we are young, we will have to learn when we suffer in life when we are old.

910. How many wins and losses, how many pleasure and pain, how many friends and foes, how many connections and separations, how many deaths and births.

911. When we come across good people and friends, bad people and enemies in our life, we should bear in mind that THIS WILL ALSO PASSBY.

912. We believe that greed and attachment are responsible for our happiness and suffering. But Budha said it is responsible only for our suffering.

913. Better to show care instead of advising. Better to encourage instead of appreciating. Better to fix in life instead of telling how to live.

914. During his last days, if his feelings, likes, and expectations are not felt by his son, it is an unbearable pain for the father.

915. Life is not about chasing happiness. If you live your life with self-confidence, happiness will come on its own.

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