Sunday, February 21, 2016


Knowledge of  Vedanta inculcates the elements of right living into your physical, mental and intellectual personalities. Your actions develop a spirit of true service. Your emotions get chastened with pure love. Your discrimination gains subtlety to distinguish between higher and lower aspects of life with the result your attachment for the lower drops off. Maintain these disciplines at the three levels of your personality. You live an ideal life. You evolve to the highest perfection.

There are two broad principles governing human actions. The first is based on the attitude of "giving" The second is based on the attitude of "taking" If the attitude of taking prevails in a society, you will find people with selfish demands and desires. Consequently, there is struggle, stress, and strain in society. Let their attitude change to give. Then selfishness is gone. Harmony, peace and happiness reign in the same society.

The dignity of the human race is founded upon the principle of giving. In "Les Miserables" Victor Hugo maintains "Life is to give and not to take" No man has the right to claim anything like his. He should not desire or demand from society. His only right is to give, to serve. To serve one and all. "Be content to serve" pleaded Jesus Christ. When you serve the world, the entire world stands in obeisance before you. Objects and beings are at your beck and call. You are the master and not a servant.

No sooner you are born than you are indebted to this world for all it provides for your living. As long as you live you must maintain a sense of gratitude to the world. So you must serve the nation, the society, the family and yourself. This is the first of the elements of right living. You need to do service to maintain your spiritual well-being. Baghavad Gita says it is criminal to consume the resources of the world without contributing to it. "He who eats without producing is verily a thief".

Courtesy Vedantha Treatise.

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