Sunday, August 2, 2020



Normally, I do not wish to write about medical treatments as I believe that it varies from person to person. What is medicine for one may be a poison for the other. Only a qualified doctor should treat and prescribe medicine for any ailment.

However, I read this article written by a Facebook friend recently. As it does not involve any medicine and as I find, it may be useful for the public, I am sharing this with you. It is now open to you in sharing with others.

Recently I met an ENT specialist for some personal matter. He is a senior citizen in his 70's. I was astonished to listen to one of his experiences which he was kind enough to share with me.

One day, early in the morning,  he had a problem with passing urine. He had the urge but unfortunately, he could not pass urine for some unknown reason. 

Some people may sometimes face such a problem when they become old, and if they try two or three times they may possibly succeed. He tried a few times, but he could not make it.

His continuous efforts did not bear fruit. He realized then, that he should consult a doctor. Though he himself was a doctor, he was also susceptible to physical ailments like everyone. 

Now, his lower abdomen became heavy and he was unable to sit or stand as the pressure built up. Immediately he called a known urologist on the phone and explained his condition. 

The Urologist told him that he was held up in a hospital on the outskirts and it would take an hour and a half for him to come to his house if he could manage till then.

Unexpectedly, by God's grace, at that time, he received a call from another doctor, a childhood friend. With great difficulty, he explained his condition to his friend.

His friend said, “Don't worry, your bladder is completely full and hence you are not able to pass urine. Do as I suggest and you will be able to pass urine in no time”.

And he further gave the procedure to be followed: “Stand up and jump vigorously lifting your hands up as though you are plucking mangoes from a tree. Do that 15 to 20 times and tell me”.

He was surprised that he wanted him to jump when he was having a full bladder and that too when he was not even able to stand. He was a little skeptical and with some difficulty, he tried.

What a sudden relief when, within 5 to 6 jumps, urine started passing. He felt overwhelmed and was thankful to his childhood friend for solving the issue with such a simple method.

Otherwise, he should go to a hospital, get a catheter inserted in his bladder, injections, antibiotics, etc incurring thousands of rupees in addition to physical and mental stress for everyone.

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