Thursday, November 9, 2023

Random thoughts 1851 to 1865.

1851. Always listen to your heart. It may be on your left side. But it will always tell you the right thing.

1852. In this world, we can search for anything except love and death. They will find us on their own when the time comes.

1853. No point in just counting the days. The impression that we make on our near and dear is important. They should remember, adore and love us.

1854. If we have 102% confidence on our children and vice versa, and if we are sure that they will take care of us at old age, we don’t need anything.

1855. FUN is a golden word. If we take everything as FUN in our dealings with the present generation, our life will be full of FUN without any RUN.

1856. Some old people do not know how to live their life with the present generation with dignity. It is an art. It is not taught anywhere.

1857. A family consists of father, mother, son, daughter, SIL, and DIL. All others are extended family. We should keep others at a safe distance.

1858. The most important and powerful person in a family is the DIL. If one is in her good books, his life will be like heaven, otherwise it will be hell.

1859. In the present day world, to get married one must be physically, emotionally, financially, walletically, I-phonically, vehically strong.

1860. The problem with most of the married women is that they want the unmarried people to get married. What pleasure do they get?

1861. Which is the most difficult period of life - Education period, career life, married life, retired life, or old age? Let me see how you analyze!!!

1862. Finance and freedom are the most important in life. Both are missing in student life. Hence it is most difficult period in life.

1863. We used to think how our actions would affect us financially. After retirement, we should now think how it will affect our children.

1864. “Inquiry” refers to investigation. It is formal and official. “enquiry” is informal for truth, knowledge, or information.

1865. Self-pity is the worst attitude. Some indulge in self pity to gain sympathy. It affects self esteem and self confidence. Suicide is better.

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