Thursday, March 16, 2023

Random thoughts 1206 to 1220.

1206. Do not educate your children to be rich. Educate them to be happy so that they know the value and not the price.

1207. Eat your food as medicines, otherwise you will have to eat the medicines as your food.

1208. The ones who love you will never leave you because he or she will have one reason to hold on.

1209. There are lots of differences between a human being and being a human. Only a few understands it.

1210. We are loved when we were born. We will be loved when we die. In between we will have to manage.

1211. If you want to walk fast, walk alone. If you want to walk far, walk together.

1212. Six best doctors in life : 1. Sunlight. 2. Rest. 3. Exercise. 4. Diet. 5. Self confidence. 6. Friends. Maintain them in all stages of life to lead a healthy life.

1213. I wonder why some friends do not like posts on music? I believe music relieves stress and has a better effect than philosophy, politics and religion.

1214. Marriage is purely an accident that happens unintentionally. For some it is minor and for some it is major.

1215. When marriages are made in heaven, why the hell the results are announced on the earth?

1216. When we are bachelors, we feel happy on seeing the married couple. When we are married, we feel happy on seeing bachelors.

1217. My wife and I lived happily for 25 long years. Then we got married.

1218. Before marriage we imagine wonders will happen to us. After marriage, we wonder what has happened to us.

1219. Of course, you may marry. If you are lucky, you will be happy. Otherwise you will surely become a philosopher.

1220. The most enjoyable part of life is the retired life provided one lived a planned life from the beginning.

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