Thursday, November 18, 2021


1. There are so many health benefits of music. It's heart-healthy. Research has shown that blood flows more easily when music is played, elevates mood, reduces stress, relieves symptoms of depression, stimulates memories, eases pain, helps people eat less, helps people in works endurance, makes the baby sleep, and so on.

2. We should realise that death is another birth. There is no end to life until the soul merges with the Lord. There should be no mourning on death. The soul that has left the body might have reached its destination according to its Karma. Whoever may be the person, I do not mourn or feel sad about the death. If I know the person, I wonder what would have happened to his soul. If I do not know the person, I just pray ”Om, Shanthi” for the soul to rest in peace. When death happens, my heart goes out only for people who are deprived of him and who are affected by him.

3. Coconut Oil

In recent years, coconut oil has been marketed as a jack-of-all-trades kind of oil. It has been suggested that it is good for the skin, hair, cooking, and oral and brain health. The oil is extracted from the kernel of the coconut and is made up of fatty acids.

The research surrounding coconut oil for dry skin typically centers around skin conditions such as atopic dermatitis, and it is an effective form of treatment for skin conditions that cause dry skin. It can help improve moisture retention and skin barrier function.

4. The digestive track commences at the mouth and ends at the anus. Throughout the route, the food is absorbed in various points. Food, vegetables, and fruits contain various nutrients viz., vitamins, and minerals that are necessary for the body. Every item does not contain all the nutrients but it contains only one item. 

Hence we have to have a balanced diet to get all the nutrients required by our body. Eating unhealthy foods at uneven times affects the digestive system. When a particular part of the digestive system is affected due to nutrition deficiency, ailments develop. We have to go to the doctor to find out the cause and take medication. Self-medication is dangerous.

5. The Tamil movie ”Haridas” was released one year before I was born in 1945. I saw that movie in 1952, in Periakulam Jaya theatre when I was seven years old along with my brother who is three years younger than me. There were four classes in the theatre, viz., sofas, chairs, benches, and floors. The chair class ticket was 4 annas then.

Our mother gave us 8 annas to see the movie. Unfortunately, my brother, who was keeping the change, lost it on the way. Then we had to return home disappointed. Our mother gave us another 8 annas and we happily went to the movie.

The movie was a very successful one that ran continuously for two years. MKT, the actor cum singer, the superstar of those days, was the hero. The music was scored by the great G. Ramanathan, the guru of MSV. I love most of the songs in this movie.

6. Fifty years back, in the late sixties, when I was in my twenties, as a bachelor, I used to sleep on the balcony of our house at Srirangam. During the Tamil month of Marghazhi, early in the morning, the temple used to broadcast Thiruppavai songs, sung by the great MLV, in the public address system that can be heard throughout the town. The melodious music used to reach me in waves through the air. MARGAZHI THINGAL was one of the songs which I loved the most. 

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