Friday, March 20, 2020


766. In spite of Lord Rama's advice, why did Sri Sita go to the forest with him leaving her aged MIL instead of taking care of her?

767. Women are under the wrong impression that it is financial freedom if they are free to spend on household expenses. It is not so.

768. Whenever I receive any gift say gold, silver, laptop, I-phone, etc, I always give them to my son. What am I going to do with them?

769. In the case of women's employment, their capability to earn is given by their parents but the benefit is received by the husband.

770. Is it not a pleasure to tease the women and to enjoy the false anger in their face, be it a mother, sister, wife, daughter or DIL?

771. It is natural for women to get angry when they are criticized. Why men go to their support instead of just enjoying the situation?

772. LAW means Love After Wedding. To get the graduation, it looks, it will take a lifetime. People wonder when they will get a degree.

773. A successful marriage basically requires falling in love many times always with the same person but not with any other person.

774. Everyone tries to succeed. Sometimes things may go wrong. Sometimes one may fail. Then, one should have a spouse to put the blame.

775. When I write condemning women, there is a big hoe and cry. When I write in support of women there is complete silence. How come?

776. Intelligence and arrogance are close cousins. I miss some friends who are intelligent. However, I am saved from their arrogance.

777. The basis of life is belief. It may be positive or negative. Without belief, there is no life. Belief comes out of life situations.

778. To my knowledge, I find most of the parents of a couple are not on friendly terms and they are always at loggerheads. Any reason?

779. A male chauvinist would have had a bitter experience with females. A female chauvinist would have had a bitter experience with males.

780. The possessive attitude of the parents towards their children leads to all problems. They should see reason and accept reality.

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