Thursday, June 1, 2023

Random thoughts 1446 to 1460.

 1446. Everyday, early in the morning, after boiling milk, before taking coffee, my wife keeps a small quantity of milk in a silver cup before the Lord.

1447. In welding, first the sparks fly and then the metals join. In wedding, the couple join first and then the sparks fly.

1448. God has designed our forehead, eyes, nose, mouth, chin etc to look beautiful. Just imagine how it will look if they are placed differently!!!

1449. Don’t believe what someone says something about someone because someone will say something about you to someone.

1450. Where the lion and the deer live together in the same cage is called marriage. The wonder is that the lion listens and obeys the deer implicitly.

1451. Happiness gives temporary satisfaction but satisfaction gives permanent happiness.

1452. Before marriage, people visit every temple praying to get married. After marriage, people visit every temple praying to get peace of mind.

1453. I follow my religion and you follow your religion. I don’t interfere in your beliefs and you don’t interfere in my beliefs. That is secular thinking.

1454. To laugh 😆 is healthy. But a person laughing without a reason is called differently.

1455. I never ask for any information from my family members unless they tell me on their own. But invariably, I end up receiving nothing.

1456. If we criticise people for doing what we don’t like, they will not stop doing it but they will start disliking us.

1457. Other than a book or a music system there is no other better companion in the world. But people are glued to Facebook and WhatsApp.

1458. China’s Mandarin and our Malayalam are the most difficult languages to learn. English, Hindi, Bengali and Marathi are the easiest.

1459. Any auspicious event should be inaugurated by the highest ranking government official of the respective government.

1460. Knowledge and ego are inseparable twins. The more the knowledge more the ego and lesser the knowledge, lesser the ego.

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