You may love your black coffee in the morning to help you feel energised and get ready for the day, but how much do you know about it? Do you know how drinking black coffee benefits your body and your mind? Are you aware of the advantages of black coffee as well as its side effects?
Black coffee is simply coffee that is normally brewed without the addition of additives such as sugar, milk, cream or added flavours. While it has a slightly bitter taste compared to when it is flavoured with additives, many people love a strong cup of black coffee. In fact, for some, it is part of their everyday diet. In this article, we talk about the benefits of drinking black coffee, how it can help you in losing weight, and potential side effects.
If you are looking for a drink that is low in calories, fats and carbohydrates, then black coffee is the perfect drink for you. Simply put, drinking coffee only becomes a cause for concern when you drink it regularly with milk, sugar, cream, etc. With these additives, even a single cup of coffee can contain as many calories as an extra-large slice of cake.
Typically, an 8-ounce cup of black coffee contains:
0% fat
0% cholesterol
0% sodium
0% carbohydrates
0% sugar
4% potassium
As you can see for yourself, black coffee does not provide calories, fats or cholesterol. In fact, black coffee has very low nutritional value besides giving you low amounts of potassium. So, in simple terms, black coffee calories content is very low, which makes it an ideal drink for those who are looking for a regular drink that won’t harm their health.
Black coffee benefits
If you love black coffee, you will be happy to learn that the beverage offers plenty of benefits, both for your body and your mind. Let’s discuss these black coffee benefits in detail below:
It improves cardiovascular health
Regular intake of black coffee may lead to an increase in your blood pressure, but this effect diminishes with time. Studies have shown that drinking one to two cups of black coffee every day can reduce your risk of developing various cardiovascular diseases, including stroke. This means that over time, black coffee gives you a stronger heart. Besides, inflammation in the body is also reduced. Improving cardiovascular health
It improves your memory
Black coffee is known to be great for improving your memory. As we grow older, our cognitive skills get affected, and we are more likely to develop memory-related diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Dementia and Parkinson’s diseases. Drinking black coffee regularly can help combat these by keeping your brain fit and healthy. It keeps your nerves active, thus enhancing brain function.
It is good for your liver
One of the most important black coffee benefits is that it boosts liver health. Your liver is a vital organ in your body that carries out many functions. It’s important that you keep it healthy and black coffee is perfect for that. Regular intake of black coffee has been linked with the prevention of liver cancer, fatty liver disease, hepatitis as well as alcoholic cirrhosis. Studies have shown that people who consume four cups of black coffee every day have much lower chances of developing any kind of liver disease. This is because the contents of black coffee can help to lower the level of harmful liver enzymes that are found in the blood.
It helps you cleanse your stomach
Coffee is a diuretic beverage, which means that the more you consume, the more often you will urinate. This means that toxins and bacteria get flushed out from your stomach every time you urinate. This cleanses your stomach and keeps you generally healthy.
It may help prevent the risk of developing cancer
Studies have shown that regular consumption of black coffee may be linked with a lower risk of developing certain types of cancer such as liver cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer and rectal cancer. Coffee is great for reducing inflammation in your body, which helps to prevent tumour development.
It is rich in antioxidants
Many of the health benefits of black coffee are because of its rich antioxidant content. Strong antioxidants such as Potassium, magnesium, Vitamin B2, B3 and B5, as well as manganese can be found in black coffee.
Side effects of black coffee
We have discussed the advantages of black coffee and how it helps in weight loss. Like everything, excessive intake of black coffee does result in side effects, which are discussed below:
Too much black coffee releases high levels of stress hormones in your body, which only leads to anxiety and stress. It can be easy to feel jittery when you consume too much caffeine.
Excessive coffee intake can seriously mess up your sleeping routine. It is recommended that you avoid coffee a few hours before bedtime if you want to get a good night’s sleep.
Black coffee is rich in caffeine and acid, which means that excess consumption can lead to acidity in your stomach. You are likely to have cramps and abdominal spasms.
Too much coffee in your system makes it difficult for your body to absorb minerals from your daily diets, such as iron, calcium and zinc. Better sleep
Black coffee has plenty of health benefits and also aids in weight loss. It can help boost memory, increase metabolism, keep your liver and heart-healthy, and helps in lowering your risk of developing cancer.
However, it should be taken in moderation because like anything, too much of it can lead to unwanted side effects. These include acidity, increased stress and anxiety, low rate of mineral absorption, and disturbed sleeping routine.
Overall, black coffee, when consumed in moderation, is a great beverage that does not contain calories, fats or cholesterol.