Once a man got lost somewhere in the desert. The little food and water he had ran out.
He knew that if he did not get water from anywhere in the next few hours, his death would be certain.
But he had faith in God that some miracle would happen and he would get water.
Then he saw a hut. He couldn't believe as he had been deceived by mirages and illusions earlier.
He started walking towards the hut. But it was lying deserted as if no one had lived there for years.
Still, he entered the hut in the hope of water. There was a hand pump installed there.
Yearning for a drop of water, he started running the hand pump rapidly.
But the hand pump had dried up long ago. The man became disheartened, feeling that no one could save him from dying.
Then he saw a bottle filled with water tied to the roof of the hut. He was about to open it and drink it…
Then he saw a paper stuck to the bottle and it was written on it. “Use this water to run the hand pump and do not forget to fill the bottle back?"*
It was a strange situation. He was in a dilemma. Whether to drink the water or to put it in the hand pump and start it.
Many questions started arising in his mind, what If the pump does not run even after pouring water? If what is written is true or false? Who knows if the water beneath the ground is also dried up? Who knows, the pumps might start working?
Then leaving to God, he opened the bottle and started pouring water into the pump with trembling hands.
After pouring water, he started running the pump. One, two, three and cold water started coming out from the hand pump.
That water was no less than nectar. The man drank water to his heart's content and his life came back to life.
His brain started working.
He filled the bottle again with water and tied it to the ceiling.
While he was doing this, he saw another bottle.
When opened, there was a pencil and a map lying inside, which showed the way out of the desert.
The man remembered the route and put the bottle containing the map back there.
After this he filled water in his bottles (which he already had) and started leaving from there.
After moving a little further, he went back to the hut, and took off the paper stuck on the bottle filled with water and started writing something on it.
He wrote – *"Believe me, this hand pump works"*
This story is about complete life. It teaches us that we should not lose hope even in the worst situations.
And this story also teaches that before getting something big, we have to give something from our side also.
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