2571. Countries with Most Cellphone users:China 974 Million,India 659 million,US 276 Million,Brazil 143 Million,Russia 106 Million.
2572. Paris, Madrid, Tokyo, Rome, Milan, New York, Amsterdam, Sydney, Singapore and Barcelona are the most beautiful cities in the world.
2573. Relationships between the parents and their children during a lifetime depends upon the financial, emotional and intellectual growth of both of them.
2574. A man asked Buddha, "I want happiness." Buddha said, "First remove "I (ego), then "want," (Desire). Now You have "Happiness.”
2575. Surveys show that men can listen to male friends for hours but only for six minutes when it comes to their girlfriend or wife.
2576. Men usually prefer to handle things on their own and will ask for help only when they absolutely need it.
2577. Unsolicited advice leads to unhappiness. Solicited advice is not taken in the right spirit. Beware.
2578. Success is about making a choice: Know what you want, how much it costs, and whether you’re willing to pay.
2579. As a man, his value often depends upon how much money he makes no matter what his character and his passion.
2580. Men are attracted to females. After marriage, people expect his focus to be on their wife, but this change doesn’t happen.
2581. For some people their interests are determined by dharma. For some people their dharma is determined by self interest.
2582. “Empty nest syndrome” is the intense grief parents experience when their children grow up, become independent and leave home.
2583. My New Year’s resolution this year is to read more, so I turned on the subtitles while watching the TV.
2584. While setting an alarm before going to bed, keep it far away from your reach to make sure that you wake up on time in the morning.
2585. தோசை மாவ ஆட்டுக் கல்லுல அரைக்கணும், அப்பத்தான் அரைக்கும் போது வர heat வெளீல போய் உளுந்து வாடை வராம மாவு நிறைய காணும்.
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