A woman usually does not mean what she says in anger. Hugs manage to pacify her.
Distance makes a woman sad by being away from the man she loves.
A woman does allow time for trust to develop in a man but it is difficult to repair when trust gets broken.
Understanding a woman is a life-long exercise, you will never stop learning.
Marriage does not imply the end of things; in fact, it is the beginning of making her fall in love with you constantly.
Her mood can change based on how you treat her, and this is why you need to treat her well all the time.
Women remember hurtful things so be careful with your choice of words and always support her.
Women can lock up secrets. They may seem hard, but they probably cry with their friends. Be her best friend.
Women love sweet. Talk to her in a gentle and respectful way.
Every woman is unique. She can be probably invisible to your eyes, but she will surely be missed when she is gone.
If she loves you, she will do all kinds of things to please you; but love cannot be forced.
If you do not care for her, she will find somebody who will. She chose you, yes, but there are others too.
She may be shy to ask for money even if she loves you, be thoughtful and give her without asking something in return.
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