Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Random thoughts 2586 to 2600.

2586. The physical need is 'to live', intellectual need is 'to learn', emotional need is 'to be loved' and spiritual need is 'to leave a legacy'. 

2587. Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried deep alive, and will come forth later, in uglier ways.  —Sigmund Freud.

2588. “Trauma bonding” means alternating abuse and affection where emotional abuse is followed by periods of kindness.

2589. Control yourself, not others. Controlling others is strength. Controlling yourself is true power.

2590. He is a Punjabi. He always loves only the first five letters of the word CHOLESTEROL.

2591. Laughing is the best medicine. But if you are laughing for no reason, then you will need medicines to stop it.

2592. Saving and spending are both habits. Which one we follow will decide our future. No point in regretting later in life.

2593. Respect is commanded and not demanded. If one remembers this, there will be no problem with anyone on any occasion.

2594. It is not the distance that ruins relationships, it is the inability to communicate or respond properly with people.

2595. The Navajo are an Indigenous people of the United States who live in the Navajo Nation, also known as Navajoland.

2596. Since the children are busy, they do not have time to talk to their parents. Since the parents have all the time they expect them to talk.

2597. 2025 is the beginning of ‘Gen Beta (2025-2039), Gen Alpha (2010-2024), Gen Z (1996-2010), millennials (1981-1996).

2598. The most difficult thing is to deal with idiots. It is much more difficult to deal with intellectuals. What to do?

2599. Happier is the comparative form of happy. We can say “more happy” to give emphasis. “More happier” is not correct.

2600. New year resolutions must be realistic and easily achievable. Unrealistic and difficult resolutions will only be short lived.

Sunday, January 26, 2025


A woman usually does not mean what she says in anger. Hugs manage to pacify her.

Distance makes a woman sad by being away from the man she loves.

A woman does allow time for trust to develop in a man but it is difficult to repair when trust gets broken.

Understanding a woman is a life-long exercise, you will never stop learning.

Marriage does not imply the end of things; in fact, it is the beginning of making her fall in love with you constantly.

Her mood can change based on how you treat her, and this is why you need to treat her well all the time.

Women remember hurtful things so be careful with your choice of words and always support her.

Women can lock up secrets. They may seem hard, but they probably cry with their friends. Be her best friend.

Women love sweet. Talk to her in a gentle and respectful way.

Every woman is unique. She can be probably invisible to your eyes, but she will surely be missed when she is gone.

If she loves you, she will do all kinds of things to please you; but love cannot be forced.

If you do not care for her, she will find somebody who will. She chose you, yes, but there are others too.

She may be shy to ask for money even if she loves you, be thoughtful and give her without asking something in return.

Friday, January 24, 2025


Stage 1: 58 to 65

At this age the workplace moves away from you. No matter how successful or powerful you become during your career, you will still be called an ordinary person. So, don't stick to the mindset and superiority complex of your previous job or business.

Stage 2: 65 to 72

At this age, society gradually moves away from you. Your frequent friends and colleagues will reduce and hardly anyone will recognize you at your previous workplace.

Don't say "I was..." or "I used to be..." because the younger generation will not recognize you, and you shouldn't feel bad about that!

Stage 3: 72 to 77

At this age, the family will gradually move away from you. Even though you may have many children and grandchildren, most of the time you will be living with your partner or alone.

When your children visit occasionally, it is an expression of affection, so don't blame them for visiting less, because they are busy with their lives!

Stage 4: After 77+

And finally, after 77+, the earth wants to destroy you. At this time, don't be sad or grieve, because this is the last stage of life, and everyone will eventually follow this path! 

So, while our body is still capable, live life to the fullest!

Eat what you like, Drink, play, and do what you like. Be happy, and live happily...

Form a group of friends and keep meeting occasionally at a fixed place, at a fixed time.

Keep in telephone contact. Recall and share old life experiences.

Thursday, January 23, 2025


One day, Draupadi went to take bath in the Yamuna river. While bathing, she saw a sadhu bathing in a distance.

He was wearing only a loincloth. The other loincloth was kept on the bank to be changed. But due to the wind the other loincloth fell into the water. 

Unfortunately, the wet loincloth was also torn since it was old. The sadhu's dilemma increased. He hid behind a bush.

Draupadi saw and understood the sadhu's difficulty. She thought of helping him. So, she tore half of her saree to give it to him.

She reached the bush and said- Father! I have understood your difficulty. I have torn half of my sari and brought it. You cover your body with it and go home. Half of it will suffice for me too.

Tears came to the eyes of the sadhu. He took the saree, wore it and went home. He blessed her saying God will always keep your modesty covered.

The Pandavas lost Draupadi in the gambling. Dushasan was hell-bent on stripping her naked. He wanted to take revenge for the insults done by Draupadi.

Draupadi called out to God to help her. That piece of sari she gave to the Sadhu had now grown into a bundle with the interest.

Dushasan kept pulling the cloth. God kept replenishing it. The cloth kept increasing, Draupadi's honour was saved. She got thousands of yards of cloth in exchange for the half sari.

Monday, January 20, 2025


A young couple moved into a new house.

The next morning while they were eating breakfast, the young woman saw her neighbor hanging the washing outside.

"That laundry is not very clean; she doesn’t know how to wash correctly. Perhaps she needs better soap powder.

Her husband looked on, remaining silent.

Every time her neighbor hung her washing out to dry, the young woman made the same comments.

A month later, the woman was surprised to see a nice clean wash on the line and said to her husband, "Look, she’s finally learned how to wash correctly. I wonder who taught her this?"

The husband replied, "I got up early this morning and cleaned our windows."

And so it is with life…

What we see when watching others depends on the clarity of the window through which we look.

So don’t be too quick to judge others, especially if your perspective of life is clouded by anger, jealousy, negativity or unfulfilled desires.

Judging a person does not define who they are. It defines who you are."

Paolo Coelho, "Dirty Laundry".

Sunday, January 19, 2025


Why is platinum considered so exceptionally valuable and precious compared to other metals?

Just like gold or silver, platinum too is a noble metal, which means it is non-reactive and does not corrode. But apart from that platinum has some truly extraordinary qualities, that set it apart - making it one of a kind and a precious metal that’s quite beyond compare.

Platinum is rare : Making it more precious, exclusive than most other metals.

Platinum is actually not native to earth. It is literally a gift from the heavens, a precious metal of wonder. It’s story began over two billion years ago when a meteorite shower hit earth and left traces of precious platinum behind. It is 30 times rarer than gold, available in limited quantities is found in select locations around the world. This makes platinum rare & sought after.

Platinum is eternal: Making its jewellery last beyond a lifetime.

Platinum is a denser metal than others, even gold and that is what makes it stronger and long lasting. It’s what makes it eternal – because its density ensures that platinum wears down at a much slower rate than other metals. When other precious metals get scratched, tiny, microscopic pieces of metal flake away. When platinum is scratched, the metal is not lost, it just moves aside getting displaced. Making it truly resilient unlike others, the perfect lifetime companion.

Another benefit of this density is platinum’s exceptionally secure grip on any precious stone set within it. Platinum hence safeguards the beauty of your jewellery for a lifetime. Which is why platinum is the preferred metal for all high value jewellery, the biggest diamonds in the world – Hope diamond, or even the Kohinoor is set in platinum.

Platinum is naturally white in colour: Ensuring its jewellery never changes or loses colour.

Another remarkable aspect of platinum is its natural white colour. Unlike other metals, platinum’s natural white, is the only true white – it never fades, changes colour or tarnishes keeping the jewellery looking the same way you first set your eyes on it. Platinum’s true white enhances the appearance of gemstones, too. From rubies to emeralds to sapphires, coloured gemstones appear more vibrant when they are secured in platinum.

In fact a tell-tale sign of a well-loved platinum piece is a patina — a satiny finish on the surface of the piece that has been developed over years of wearing the jewellery.

And that is not all, platinum is also hypoallergenic making it a safer choice for sensitive skin.

All these factors combine to make platinum simply amazing and more valuable as a precious metal!

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Random thoughts 2571 to 2585.

2571. Countries with Most Cellphone users:China 974 Million,India 659 million,US 276 Million,Brazil 143 Million,Russia 106 Million.

2572. Paris, Madrid, Tokyo, Rome, Milan, New York, Amsterdam, Sydney, Singapore and Barcelona are the most beautiful cities in the world.

2573. Relationships between the parents and their children during a lifetime depends upon the financial, emotional and intellectual growth of both of them.

2574. A man asked Buddha, "I want happiness." Buddha said, "First remove "I (ego), then "want," (Desire). Now You have "Happiness.”

2575. Surveys show that men can listen to male friends for hours but only for six minutes when it comes to their girlfriend or wife.

2576. Men usually prefer to handle things on their own and will ask for help only when they absolutely need it.

2577. Unsolicited advice leads to unhappiness. Solicited advice is not taken in the right spirit. Beware.

2578. Success is about making a choice: Know what you want, how much it costs, and whether you’re willing to pay.

2579. As a man, his value often depends upon how much money he makes no matter what his character and his passion.

2580. Men are attracted to females. After marriage, people expect his focus to be on their wife, but this change doesn’t happen.

2581. For some people their interests are determined by dharma. For some people their dharma is determined by self interest.

2582. “Empty nest syndrome” is the intense grief parents experience when their children grow up, become independent and leave home.

2583. My New Year’s resolution this year is to read more, so I turned on the subtitles while watching the TV.

2584. While setting an alarm before going to bed, keep it far away from your reach to make sure that you wake up on time in the morning.

2585. தோசை மாவ ஆட்டுக் கல்லுல அரைக்கணும், அப்பத்தான் அரைக்கும் போது வர heat வெளீல போய் உளுந்து வாடை வராம மாவு நிறைய காணும்.