Saturday, November 16, 2024

Random thoughts 2481 to 2495.

2481. “Sundal” is offered to the Goddess for 9 days during Navratri because, its protein will give her strength to fight the demons. 

2482. Ma Durga comes on Lion, elephant, horse, boat and palanquin. This year she comes on Palanquin that signifies violence and pandemic. 

2483. The longest train journey in India is from Dibrugarh (Assam) to Kanyakumari lasting 83 hours, with 57 stops, covering 7 states. 

2484. Mathematics does not teach how to add happiness or how to minus sadness. But It teaches a lesson “every problem has a solution”

2485. Some people suffer for want of time. Some people suffer without knowing how to spend time. How nice to lend the time like money? 

2486. Protect the girlfriend like a daughter, love her like a wife, respect her like a mother, and get her married like a father. 

2487. The elephant technique is a method for tackling large tasks by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable pieces. 

2488. At 60, the workplace eliminates us. At 70, society eliminates us. At 80, Family eliminates us. At 90, the earth eliminates us. The God embraces us. 

2489. LOGORRHOEA or Verbal diarrhoea refers to speaking too much or continuously. It is described as a tendency to speak excessively. 

2490. The more we fear that something is likely to happen, the more likely it is going to occur.-Murphy’s Law. 

2491. If you write down a problem clearly and specifically, you have solved half of it.-Codlin’s Law. 

2492. When you take on a task, finding the best ways to achieve the desired result is always your responsibility.-Gilbert’s Law. 

2493. If you prioritize knowledge and intelligence, money will continue to come in between.-Wilson’s Law. 

2494. Women are mentally strong. They are trying to be physically strong. Men are physically strong. They should try to be mentally strong. 

2495. We are the most unfortunate. We are the last generation to obey our parents and the first generation to obey our children.

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