Sunday, October 13, 2024

Random thoughts 2391 to 2405

2391. You will run from pillar to post when you get the itching at a particular place on your back where your hands cannot reach. 

2392. Only when you are busy doing some important work with both of your hands dirty, the tip of your nose will start itching. 

2393. Only when you go to a different queue, you will find that the earlier queue that you have left is moving faster than yours. 

2394. If we tell the false excuse that we were late in coming because we had a flat tyre, the next day we will surely have a flat tyre. 

2395. Ants have a cyclical pattern of resting periods which as a group observes, lasting around eight minutes in any 12-hour period. 

2396. Camels have a transparent third eyelid called a "nictitating membrane" which acts like a windshield wiper to sweep sand away. 

2397. Minus 40 degrees Celsius is exactly the same as minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit. 

2398. The "sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep is sick" is said to be the toughest tongue twister in the English language. 

2399. Butterflies have taste buds on their feet, called tarsi, that allow them to sense the chemical signature of whatever they land on. 

2400. Headphones cover the ears from the natural air, which increases production of bacteria by 700% in one hour. 

2401. Scientists have discovered that like fingerprints, tongue prints are unique too. It can be used for identity verification purposes. 

2402. Discover Magazine reports. 99 percent of the gold found in the Earth's core, is enough to coat the entire surface in 1.5 feet. 

2403. When the school bus arrives in the US, the entire traffic comes to a standstill until all the children boarded and the bus leaves. 

2404. Heart attacks are the result of blockage in coronary arteries. Cardiac attacks are the result of heart beat irregularities. 

2405. Wearwolf syndrome or hyper trichosis is characterised by abnormal growth of hair in all the places on the body.

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