There was a samosa shop in front of a big company. The employees of the company used to eat samosas there.
One day a manager of the company asked samosa vendor, "you have maintained your shop very well, but don't you think that you have wasted your time and talent by selling samosas? If you are working in this company you would also have been a manager like me".
The samosa vendor replied, "Sir, my work is much better than yours. Ten years ago when I used to sell samosas in a basket, you got your job. Then I used to earn thousand rupees per month and your salary was 10 thousand.”
In these 10 years,
You have become a manager from a supervisor. And I have become a owner of this place from a basket vendor. You earn 50,000 per month. And I earn 2,00,000 per month.
Apart from this, I am also doing this because of my children.
I started my business with very little income, but my son will not have to face any hardship.
I will give the shop to my son, and you cannot give the company to your children.
My hard work will benefit my children. Whereas your hard work will benefit your boss's children.
You cannot directly appoint your son to your post. He will have to start from zero like you .
While my son will take the business from me and will go ahead.
Now you tell me whose time and talent is getting wasted?"
The manager left the place without saying anything.......!!!
No matter what the work is, it is not small.