Wednesday, October 30, 2024


There was a samosa shop in front of a big company. The employees of the company used to eat samosas there.  

One day a manager of the company asked samosa vendor, "you have maintained your shop very well, but don't you think that you have wasted your time and talent by selling samosas? If you are working in this company you would also have been a manager like me". 

 The samosa vendor replied, "Sir, my work is much better than yours. Ten years ago when I used to sell samosas in a basket, you got your job. Then I used to earn thousand rupees per month and your salary was 10 thousand.” 

 In these 10 years, 

You have become a manager from a supervisor. And I have become a owner of this place from a basket vendor. You earn 50,000 per month. And I earn 2,00,000 per month. 

Apart from this, I am also doing this because of my children. 

I started my business with very little income, but my son will not have to face any hardship. 

I will give the shop to my son, and you cannot give the company to your children. 

My hard work will benefit my children. Whereas your hard work will benefit your boss's children. 

You cannot directly appoint your son to your post. He will have to start from zero like you . 

While my son will take the business from me and will go ahead. 

Now you tell me whose time and talent is getting wasted?" 

The manager left the place without saying anything.......!!! 

No matter what the work is, it is not small.

Saturday, October 26, 2024


A good economy doesn't always mean people are happy. While economic growth can have many benefits, such as buying more things, living longer, and solving problems, it doesn't always translate to greater happiness for citizens. This is known as the Easterlin Paradox. 

Here are some reasons why economic growth doesn't always mean people are happy: 

Income threshold:

Some believe that higher income doesn't increase happiness beyond a certain level. For example, Nobel laureates Angus Deaton and Daniel Kahneman found that further gains in income don't make people happier after they reach a ceiling of $75,000 in the United States. 

Social factors:

Social factors like the strength of social support, the absence of corruption, and the degree of personal freedom are more important for happiness than income.

Individual happiness:

Individuals happiness depends on more than money. For example, getting a promotion or a raise can give people an emotional boost for a short period of time, but winning the lottery doesn't seem to make a permanent change in people's overall satisfaction with life.

Source:  Internet.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Cycling and walking.

Cycling and walking are both good exercises that can improve your health, but they have different benefits: 


Cycling can burn more calories than walking because it uses more muscle groups, requires more effort, and has a higher oxygen consumption rate. 

It can also help you build strength, especially in your core and upper body. Cycling can be good for knee joint pain because it strengthens the muscles around the knee. 

However, cycling requires proper form to avoid strain, and it may trigger back pain, numbness, or nerve damage. 

Cycling may also be limited to people who have learned how to ride a bike and have access to one.

Walking :

Walking is more accessible than cycling because it doesn't require any equipment and can be done anywhere. 

Walking is a weight-bearing exercise that can help maintain bone density. 

It can also improve your energy level and ability to heal by increasing your breathing rate and helping your bloodstream eliminate waste products. 

Walking can also help reduce symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression. 

 Cycling is better than walking for 30 minutes if you want to burn more calories, work your muscles better, and improve your cardiovascular fitness.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024


Today is Husband Appreciation Day . Let us keep 2 minutes silence and read some quotes of great personalities. 

After marriage, husband and wife become two sides of a coin, they just can’t face each other, but still they stay together. – Al Gore.

A good wife always forgives her husband when she’s wrong. – Barack Obama.

When you are in love, wonders happen. But once you get married, you wonder, what happened. - Steve Jobs. 

Marriage is a beautiful forest where Brave Lions are killed by Beautiful Deers. - Brad Pitt. 

While getting married, most of the guys say to girl's parents, " I will keep your daughter happy for the rest of her life ". Have you ever heard a girl saying something like this to the boy's parents like that. No because women don't tell lies! 

If wife wants husband’s attention, she just has to look sad and uncomfortable. If husband wants wife’s attention, he just has to look comfortable & happy. 

A Philosopher HUSBAND said:- Every WIFE is a ‘Mistress’ of her Husband… Miss” for first year & “Stress” for rest of the life.

Position of a husband is just like a Split AC, No matter how loud he is outdoor, He is designed to remain silent indoor. 

Share to make others smile...! Laughter Works Like Medicine! *Today is world husband's day...* *All husbands cheer up... At least one day in a year is dedicated to the helpless husbands. 

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Random thoughts 2421 to 2435.

2421. Flexing the knees and having a pillow between the legs can help align the spine, pelvis and hips. Full-length body pillow is preferable. 

2422. Eating banana helps relieve heartburn .They have natural antacids properties that can soothe the stomach lining. 

2423. Yawning not only helps to increase oxygen intake but also helps to cool down the brain . 

2424. Everything we consume is turned into sugar. Hence we don't need to consume extra sugar as it creates too much sugar in the body.  

2425. The term "honeymoon" refers to the tradition of newly weds consuming honey for fertility after their wedding.  

2426. During 15 days of “Mahalayam”, control over the mind is more important than control over the body. Thinking is worse than doing. 

2427. There are live enzymes in honey. When in contact with a metal spoon, these enzymes die. Use a wooden or plastic spoon. 

2428. The term "honeymoon" comes from the tradition of newlyweds consuming honey for fertility after the wedding. 

2429. A bee lives less than 40 days, visits at least 1,000 flowers, and produces less than a teaspoon of honey in its lifetime. 

2430. We have three faces. One that we show to the world. The second that we show to our close people. The third that we don’t show at all. 

2431. I don’t mind dying now. But I don’t want to go to school/ college to study, work in an office to earn money, and to run a family again. 

2432. 90% of the people who hear our troubles don't care about us, and the other 10% are glad that we are having those troubles. 

2433. Poor selection of the spouse is the major cause of failure. Think thrice before marriage because one wrong decision and BOOM! 

2434. Those who know our value are the ones who truly appreciate us. Never stay in a place where they don't recognize our value! 

2435. Do you know the Rule 10-10-10? Spend 10 minutes in 10 places to get rid off 10 items is a new method to declutter the home.

Random thoughts 2406 to 2420.

2406. Everyone is looking for the right person, but nobody tries to be the right person themselves. Strange but true. 

2407. When we talk on phone if anyone interferes we ignore the person. When we talk to anyone if the phone interferes we don’t ignore it.  

2408. While overtaking the fellow going ahead, we must also be careful about the fellow following us. He may overtake us anytime. 

2409. The truly rich are those who have a mind richer than a lot of money. Having a helping mind is more necessary than a lot of money. 

2410. Placing mango leaves at the entrance of the house is auspicious. Placing neem leaves is inauspicious. What a great idea/culture. 

2411. Auspicious means conducive to success; favorable. Inauspicious means not conducive to success; unfavourable. 

2412. I read somewhere that Karma will establish justice in 3 days, or 3 pakshas, or 3 months, or 3 years, or 3 Janmas depending on the punyas.  

2413. Intelligence is like the innerwear. It is important that we should have it, but not necessary that we should show it off. 

2414. Scientists say that the universe is made up of protons, neutrons, and electrons. They forgot to mention about the morons. 

2415. The elevator to success is out of order. You will have to use the stairs, one step at a time to succeed. 

2416. We have two parts in the brain; the “right” and the “left.” In the left side there is nothing right and in the right side there is nothing left. 

2417. If we tell the people that the brain is also an app then they may start using it. 

2418. You know that tingling feeling we get when we like someone? That means our common sense is leaving our body. 

2419. Eating pineapple reduces bloating. It contains bromelain, an enzyme that helps digestion and reduces bloating. 

2420. Chewing gum increases blood flow and oxygen to the brain by 25 to 40%, enhancing memory and cognitive performance.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Random thoughts 2391 to 2405

2391. You will run from pillar to post when you get the itching at a particular place on your back where your hands cannot reach. 

2392. Only when you are busy doing some important work with both of your hands dirty, the tip of your nose will start itching. 

2393. Only when you go to a different queue, you will find that the earlier queue that you have left is moving faster than yours. 

2394. If we tell the false excuse that we were late in coming because we had a flat tyre, the next day we will surely have a flat tyre. 

2395. Ants have a cyclical pattern of resting periods which as a group observes, lasting around eight minutes in any 12-hour period. 

2396. Camels have a transparent third eyelid called a "nictitating membrane" which acts like a windshield wiper to sweep sand away. 

2397. Minus 40 degrees Celsius is exactly the same as minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit. 

2398. The "sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep is sick" is said to be the toughest tongue twister in the English language. 

2399. Butterflies have taste buds on their feet, called tarsi, that allow them to sense the chemical signature of whatever they land on. 

2400. Headphones cover the ears from the natural air, which increases production of bacteria by 700% in one hour. 

2401. Scientists have discovered that like fingerprints, tongue prints are unique too. It can be used for identity verification purposes. 

2402. Discover Magazine reports. 99 percent of the gold found in the Earth's core, is enough to coat the entire surface in 1.5 feet. 

2403. When the school bus arrives in the US, the entire traffic comes to a standstill until all the children boarded and the bus leaves. 

2404. Heart attacks are the result of blockage in coronary arteries. Cardiac attacks are the result of heart beat irregularities. 

2405. Wearwolf syndrome or hyper trichosis is characterised by abnormal growth of hair in all the places on the body.