Saturday, September 2, 2023

Random thoughts 1671 to 1685.

1671. When we have a right to claim, we have a duty to perform. It is not fair to claim for the right without performing the duty.

1672. If we allow others to spend for us continuously, then we will never have the mind even to spend for ourselves.

1673. A widow simply enjoys the property her husband bequeathed her. But a widower is unable to enjoy the hard earned money he saved all his life.

1674. The past is gone, future is yet to come, what is there is only the present. That is what we can enjoy.

1675. Life without a vision is like a journey without a destination and with our eyes closed.

1676. Everybody is unique. Do not try to mould all dispositions alike.

1677. When we see everything as divine  and sacred, we start learning things.

1678. The best way to relate to your child is to sometime become a child by yourself.

1679. If anyone says “if given another chance, I would have lived a different life“ means that he has not lived a perfect and fulfilling life.

1680. Without knowing the true value of the spouse, couples are quarrelling and fighting. They will realise only when they lose the other.

1681. SEPSIS is a rare but serious complication of an existing infection. Without quick treatment, it can lead to multiple organ failure and death.

1682. Previously, before going to the restaurant we decided what to eat. Presently, only after going to the restaurant we decide what to eat.

1683. Chanshang county in China is offering Rs.11,500 as reward for couples if the bride is 25 or younger to avoid declining birth rates.

1684. No matter what we do, someone will always be unhappy. We can never please everyone all the time.

1685. In TN, Advocates can now solemnise marriages as friends or relatives instead of priests as per Hindu marriages Act(TN amendment)1967.

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