Thursday, July 6, 2023

Random thoughts 1536 to 1550.

1536. 10000 crores cells die each day in our body and are replaced by other cells. The mass of cells we lose each year is close to our body weight !!!

1537. Just think you have come to witness everything. Don’t get yourself involved. 70% detachment and 30% attachment will always do good.

1538. The only person who knows you thoroughly and completely is YOURSELF. Analyse yourself. Keep only the good and leave all the bad.

1539. Whatever happens around us is not our concern. It happens for a reason which we do not understand. Our ultimate goal is to merge with HIM.

1540. More the worries, more the involvement in spiritual activities. Lesser the worries, more the involvement in worldly activities.

1541. For one Tamil word arai, (அறை/அரை) there are four English words-room, slap, half , grind. (அறை for room and slap. அரை for half and grind.)

1542. A “Deist” is one who believes that God created the universe, but natural laws determine how the universe functions.

1543. Everyone is searching for something somewhere. Theists are searching inside and materialists are searching outside. It is an interesting game.

1544. The best way to solve any problem is to be mentally prepared to face the consequences that may arise when it happens.

1545. A homophone is a word that sounds the same as another word but has a different meaning and/or spelling. Eg. “Flower” and “flour” are homophones.

1546. A homonym is a word that is spelt like another word (or pronounced like it), but that has a different meaning. For example, “Bat, bat ”

1547. Wiseman said, ”Tell me who is your friend, I will tell you who you are . Show me what you wrote, I will tell you what you are “

1548. Cataract surgery takes just 15 minutes. But aftercare takes 4-6 weeks. You will have to put three types of medicines 12 times a day.

1549. Other than the party, if individual contestants are permitted to spend their election expenses, the black money will grow leaps and bounds.

1550. Unlike the US, permitting political parties to form a coalition govt in India, there is no point in supporting a particular party in the elections.

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