Monday, July 26, 2021


We all assume what is there to know about menstrual periods? However, men can certainly catch up on their IQ and women can brush up their understanding and clear some doubts, wherever it is necessary. To help you understand periods better, we have put together 5 facts that you must know!

1. Getting pregnant while you are on your periods is totally possible

There is a widespread belief that if you have sex on your period, it won’t lead to a pregnancy. While the chances of conceiving could be less, it is not entirely impossible. A lot depends on your ovulation and the length of your menstrual cycle. Let’s say you’re someone who has a short cycle and you end up having sex towards the end of your period. If you ovulate after your period, there’s a possibility of you getting pregnant, as sperms can live in your body for a couple of days.

2. Just like you, your periods will keep evolving

You might think you’ve got your period schedule all figured out, but the very next month you notice that they’ve got delayed. This is entirely normal. Your periods and their behaviour can keep evolving with age. Hormonal shifts, stress levels, weight and age are some of the factors that can impact your menstrual cycle. While your body will gradually learn to identify age-related changes, if you encounter something that’s unusual, irregular or sudden, it’s best to check with a doctor.

3. A missed period doesn’t mean pregnancy

If you’ve missed a period, don’t jump to the conclusion that you’re pregnant. It doesn’t always mean that. The best way to rule out pregnancy is to take a test. As for the missed or late period, there could be several reasons. Female hormones could be at play delaying your periods or it may be a sign of another health problem. It makes sense to see your doctor who can conduct investigations and diagnostic tests and suggest treatment options if needed.

4. Your period blood may not always be red

The blood that your body loses during menstruation may not necessarily be red. It could be different shades of red, brown or pink. Hormones and health conditions are important determinants of the colour of your period blood. In fact, your period blood can also be a key indicator of an underlying health condition or an infection. For example, Pink period blood could mean your body has low oestrogen levels or that you’re anaemic. Of course, you shouldn’t be doing any kind of self-diagnosis. If you notice a change in the colour of your period blood, speak to your doctor.

5. There’s life beyond sanitary pads

There are several other eco-friendly ways of managing periods. You can use menstrual cups, period panties and reusable cloth pads. These are sustainable alternatives and create much less waste. Sanitary pads have been so popular for so long that many women have some sort of a blind spot when it comes to trying other options. But it makes sense to start experimenting with ‘green’ menstrual hygiene products. You can then make an informed choice and use what suits you best. 


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