Friday, February 21, 2020


736. There are 247 characters in the Tamil language as against 26 in English. Which language should be more difficult for us to learn?

737. My mother tongue is Tamil and not English. I do not have in-depth knowledge of both languages. Hence I like both languages equally.

738. Translating from English to Tamil or from Tamil to English is not an easy task. We must have a thorough knowledge of both languages.

739. I am unable to understand the American accent. I wonder if an American and Indian dog meets, how will they understand each other.

740. It is better to switch off the main switch before going out of town for long, to avoid electrical short circuits and fire accidents.

741. Bacteria grows on food even when it is kept inside the fridge. Better not to keep for more than 48 hours and the milk for 24 hours.

742. An uneducated person can run the Govt with educated officers. An educated person cannot run the Govt with uneducated officials.

743. Pet dogs might have been vaccinated. How do others know it? They run the risk if the anti-rabies vaccine is not given immediately.

744. To lead an ideal life is difficult. Lord Rama was the epitome of idealism. We should try to be ideal in every aspect of our life.

745. Determination comes out of life situations. Only the wearer knows where the shoe pinches. The sufferings make one understand life.

746. One must try to understand the basic truth behind the law of a religion and not to question the very existence of the law itself.

747. To save electricity, I use 25W in all rooms. I switch on only when needed. I don't use a defrosting fridge, AC, big TV, W/machine.

748. An atheist or rationalist should first thoroughly study and understand all religious texts and finally declare himself what he is.

749. The mouth of all the ferocious dogs, when they are taken out for a stroll, should be tied with a belt. This is a rule in America.

750. A meal in the home is prepared by mummy. Hence it is yummy. But in a restaurant, it is prepared by a dummy. Hence it affects tummy.

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