Friday, September 27, 2024

Who are grandparents?


( Written by an 8 year old girl)

Grandparents are a lady and a man who have no little children of their own.  

They always like other people's children also.

They live at the station from where we need to pick them up and later drop back too.

A grandfather is a man, and a grandmother is a lady! 

Grandparents like to shop at D -mart.

They are always old people.

It is good when they bring lollipops and home made  sweets.

When they take us for walks, they are always slow.

They talk to us about Geeta and Gods.

They don't say bad words, like my brother.

Usually they drink  tea or coffee in the morning.

They wear glasses and funny underwear. 

They can take their teeth out for brushing. 

They need a stick or a chair with wheels

Grandparents are smart. 

Grandma always makes tastier food than Mom. 

Grandpa tells us stories that are better than Harry Potter.

Grandparents don't fight like Mom and Dad.

Everybody should try to have a grandmother and a grandfather.

They say prayers with us and kiss us.

Grandpa is the smartest man on earth but still forgets his glasses all over the house.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Random thoughts 2361 to 2375.

2361. Changing bad habits becomes more difficult once we get into adulthood. Act now before it becomes life threatening. 

2362. The parents will never change. It doesn’t matter how many ‘sit downs’ you do for them, they will be stubborn. It’s their nature. 

2363. Never take life too seriously. No one will be willing to talk to a guy who is always serious, angry or mad at something. 

2364. It is never too late — life could end at any moment. Never make yourself believe that you are unworthy of achieving anything. 

2365. All birds seek shelter during the rain but eagles avoid rain by flying above the clouds. Problems are common, but attitude differs. 

2366. People who overthink actually make better friends. Overthinking is associated with empathy, the ability to care for others. 

2367. Some day's separation is necessary in any relationship, so that both the partners can realize and appreciate the value of the other.

2368. Ships don't sink due to water around them. Ships sink when water gets into them. Don't allow what's happening around you inside you.  

2369. It's not the song that makes you emotional, it's the people and the situations that come to your mind when you hear it. 

2370. We can't go back and change the beginning, but we can start from where we are and change the ending.  

2371. Our mind is the place where everything starts and ends. So keep PEACE in your mind and start planning in your life. 

2372. The biggest communication problem that we have is that we don't listen to understand. We only listen to reply and react. 

2373. Do you know the expansion for 7 O’clock? When the clock was first introduced, people were saying the time as “7 of the clock”. 

2374. Among the seven combinations in relationships, mother and daughter is the best and the father and son is the worst. 

2375. Humidity is the moisture content in the air. More the humidity, more the moisture and more the sweating and vice versa. 

எது முக்கியம் என்பது முக்கியமில்லை. முக்கியமானதை முக்கியமில்லை என்றால் முக்கியம் முக்கியமில்லாமல் போய்விடும்.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024


When we are with someone we should not fiddle with our phone. We should give them our attention and not just presence. 

If we are invited to someone’s place we should always take something along. It could be as simple as a pocket of biscuits. 

We should say “thank you, please and sorry” when needed. Nothing wrong in being humble and polite. 

We should help someone by holding the door if they have their hands full when entering a place. 

When someone asks us for stock/financial advice, tell them you don’t know better than them! Stock tips, can ruin life. 

When someone is talking, we should listen to them. We should look into their eyes and nod whether it is a man or woman. 

When we enter or leave an elevator, we should let others to enter/leave instead of trying to rush in. The elevator won’t leave. 

We should cover our mouth when we cough. People get sick when someone coughed in public and touched others.

Monday, September 23, 2024

Random thoughts 2346 to 2360.

2346. Whatever it may be, everything is designed / rationed by God. No one can increase it or reduce it or alter it or avoid it. 

2347. At the old age when a person is bedridden, excepting the spouse, no one will take care. A widower is more pitiable than a widow. 

2348. As we get older, three things happen. The first thing is that our memory goes, and we don’t remember the other two. 

2349. Life would be definitely happier if we could only be born at the age of eighty and gradually approach eighteen. 

2350. To start with, we forget names, then we forget faces, then we forget to pull our zipper up, and finally we forget to pull our zipper down. 

2351. At age 20, we worry about what others think of us. At 40, we don’t care what they think of us. At 60, we find they don’t think of us. 

2352. The idea of living a long life appeals to everyone, but the idea of getting old doesn’t appeal to anyone.

2353. People are interested in reading holy books as they get older, and it looks as if they’re preparing for their final exam. 

2354. Nothing lasts forever. Not even our troubles, our problems, our pain, our fears, our worries, and also our happiness too. 

2355. If a person is able to drive a car without abusing anyone, it means he has attained inner peace and tranquility. 

2356. I was buying monthly groceries in a bag. My children are buying in a car. I think my grandchildren may be buying in a truck. 

2357. An author writes something according to his knowledge and environment of his time. That need not be our guiding yardstick. 

2358. Everyone needs money. It doesn’t grow on trees. We must be strict on monetary dealings. We may have debit balance but not credit balance. 

2359. Due to aging, old people may get itching on their backs. The easy remedy is to expose their backs to cold water daily while bathing. 

2360. Dialect means a particular form of a language which is peculiar to a specific region. I like regional dialect but not communal dialect.


1. Everyone will die: No matter how healthy or safe we live, mortality is inevitable. 

2. People are not always honest: Even those close to us may lie or hide truths for various reasons. 

3. We can not control everything: No matter how much we plan, unforeseen events can and will occur. 

4. Everyone makes mistakes: No one is perfect, and everyone will make errors in judgment or action at some point. 

5. Change is inevitable: Whether we like it or not, everything changes- friends, circumstances, our bodies, and our environments. 

6. Pain is a part of life: Physical, emotional, and psychological pain is inevitable at various points in our lives.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Random thoughts 2331 to 2345.

2331. The earlier generations suffered a lot to earn money to save. The present generations suffer a lot to earn money to spend lavishly. 

2332. The present generation earns more and spends more. I imagine how much they will save if they spend like the previous generation. 

2333. Life is difficult with a companion. But it will also be more difficult without a companion. Then what to do? 

2334. If success goes into the head, it is the beginning of the fall. If success goes into heart, it is the beginning of further rise. 

2335. When parents or grandparents visit or visited, the children used to prostrate before them to get their blessing. Is it still in practice?

2336. I asked a child whether he liked his father or mother? He said, he liked his mother when he is at home and father while going out. 

2337. Keep the faith and drop the fear. Life is a mystery to solve, not a problem to resolve. Trust God. Life is wonderful if you know how to live. 

2338. If we develop the attitude to ignore whatever that is happening around us then we will have peace of mind. 

2339. Our thoughts are shaped by the people we associate with, by the books we read, by the words we speak and by our surroundings. 

2340. Previously, when Indians go to US, they bought items from the US. Now when Indians visit India from the US, they buy from India. 

2341. Please Understand that our one act of injustice can destroy our whole life of honesty.

2342. The husband and wife are the two sides of a coin. They can’t face each other, but they have to stay together.

2343. To get the husband’s attention, the wife has to look sad. To get the wife’s attention, the husband has to look happy. 

2344. A husband is just like a Split AC, No matter how loud he is outdoor, He is designed to remain silent indoor.

2345. Self-pity is attributing failures to external factors perceived as uncontrollable. it is a secondary symptom of depression.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

At the age of 80 !!!

1. I walk 3,000(45mts) steps in the morning and 3,000(45mts) steps in the evening daily listening to music. 

2. I have two limited meals in a day at 11 am and 7 pm. I have a coffee at 6 am and 3 pm. 

3. I do not eat wheat, onions, and garlic. I restrict potatoes or plantain, or Colocasia (சேம்பு) to once a week or two weeks. 

4. I do not take snacks, bakery products, packed foods, aerated drinks and ice cream. 

5. I take probiotics (30 billion) twice a week. 

6. I take Vegan Omega 3 (EPA 150mg+DHA 300 mg) twice a week. It is made from Algae instead of fish oil.

7. I take Vitamin D3 (1000 iu) thrice a week. 

8. I read 75 pages a day. 

9. I take Melatonin 1 mg and I sleep from 9 pm to 6 am daily. 

This is for motivation only.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Habits to be stopped!!!

1. Stop reading in bed. 

2. Stop aimlessly scrolling through social media. 

3. Stop drinking, smoking and doing drugs. 

4. Stop allowing people take advantage of your kindness. 

5. Stop saying “yes” for everyone. 

6. Stop looking at your phone before sleep. 

7. Stop sleeping late. 

8. Stop surrounding yourself with negative people. 

9. Stop gossiping. 

10. Stop poking your nose in other’s business. 

11. Stop making your life public. 

12. Stop lying. Speak the truth. 

13. Stop skipping meals. 

14. Stop snacking when you’re hungry. 

15. Stop overspending and start saving money. 

16. Stop watching too much TV. 

17. Stop forgetting to wear sunglasses on a sunny day. 

18. Stop pondering about the past. 

19. Stop procrastinating. Which one are you going to stop?

How to address a woman?

Miss is the form always used for girls.  

Mrs. is used for a married woman. 

Ms. is only used for adult women (18 or older). 

Ms. is generally used for unmarried women. It’s also a safe option for women of any age whom you are unsure how to address. 

Ms. can also be used (instead of Mrs.) for a married woman. Miss cannot be used in this way. 

Ms. is neutral in terms of marital status: it doesn’t specify whether the woman is married or not. 

Mx. is a gender-neutral title invented recently as a way of referring to someone without specifying their gender. 

Mx. is primarily used in writing;

Sunday, September 8, 2024

What women like in men?

Sense of humour 




Emotional availability 








A canine companion might attract women 


Body language 

He should look handsome 





Saturday, September 7, 2024

Random thoughts 2316 to 2330.

2316. The word “generation” is followed by a singular verb in American English, but can also be followed by a plural verb in British English.

2317. The most difficult thing on the earth is to keep the mouth shut. We always like to air our views freely inviting trouble.

2318. The younger generation has money power and they enjoy. The older generation who had suffered earlier has to keep quiet. 

2319. 2 to 3 months after birth, the lacrimal glands produce tears and babies start shedding tears when they cry which are visible.

2320. “Be Indian, buy Indian” applies only to Indians. On this Independence Day, how many are not buying foreign goods?

2321. In our family, I don’t interfere in other’s matters. They don’t interfere in my matters. For common matters we discuss.

2322. One can be a theist or an atheist, religious or irreligious, believer or non believer. But he cannot be both. That is hypocrisy. 

2323. Do you want to know what God is doing with the money? Just look at the people to whom he has given it to.

2324. Do you think that the worst thing is to be alone. It's not. The worst is to be with people who make you feel to be alone.

2325. When a man likes a girl, he will look into her eyes. But when a girl likes a man, she will look down at the floor.

2326. Most of the time, only the boys make the first move to express love. But if a girl makes the move, no one will love you more than that girl.

2327. Not speaking with the girl you love the most for more than 48 hours can make you feel homesick and rush back home.

 2329. Though lifestyle has changed a lot, I am sure that the intrinsic qualities and values of man and woman will never change.

 2330. The women prefer to talk to the women only but not the men. Men prefer to talk to the women only but not the men. What men can do?

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Eating with the hands !!

Why do Indians eat with hands? 

A Great Indian Monk visited United Kingdom to preach spirituality to his disciples. 

One day, he was invited by the mayor for lunch. The mayor was a very good host. He prepared Monk’s favourite food with lavish presentation. 

The Monk arrived for the lunch. He could see the beautiful leaves plates (to provide the ethnicity), fork, knives, spoon and all the etiquette were maintained. 

The food was served on his plate. The Monk did Namaste (it's a Indian tradition to do namaste to the food before eating) and started to eat with his hands. 

Mayor felt insulting as the monk did not use the cutlery. Mayor: Sir, I request you to use the spoon for eating. Monk: No, I would like to eat with my hands, afterall it's my culture.

Mayor again felt bad because he thought he did so much to make the Monk comfortable but he (monk) didn't accept his request. 

Later after the lunch, Mayor: Sir, I know there must be some reason for not using the spoon. Can you please tell me, if I could have arranged something for you. 

Monk: No, no. The lunch was amazing. I liked it. But I didn't wanted to use the spoon. Mayor: But why sir?? 

Monk (smiling): The spoon that you have provided, might have been used by many other people before me. But my hand (fingers) I have used throughout my lifetime to feed only myself. So my hand is the purest form of cutlery to have my food. 

As per our Indian culture having food with hand brings a great connection with the food which brings sensory experience, and mindfulness.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Random thoughts 2301 to 2315.

2301. Meter" and "metre" are both unit of length in the International System of Units (SI). Meter is American and Metre is British. 

2302. Of course, one can marry. If he /she is lucky, they will get a good spouse. Otherwise they will surely become a philosopher. 

2303. No one is a master of everything. For all our doubts we must refer to Google and get it understood to become more knowledgeable.

2304. Whoever may be the other person, if we involve ourselves in unrelated matters, we will only be unhappy. 

2305. The only person with whom we can share ALL our personal feelings is the spouse. Without the spouse there is no life. 

2306. The wheel chair is provided in flights for old/disabled people. I don’t opt for because I am only 30 with 50 years experience. 

2307. Maturity is when we realize that in the end, even our family and friends will leave us, only the God remains with us. 

2308. The 6 tastes as per Ayurveda are as Sweet, Sour(புளிப்பு), Salty, Spicy/pungent(காரம்), Bitter, Astringent (துவர்ப்பு). I like sour. You?

2309. Tuesday is for worshipping Maa Durga and Mahalakshmi. Barber shops are closed since haircut is not done on auspicious days. 

2310. Tuesday is for worshipping Maa Durga & Mahalakshmi. Barber shops are closed since haircut is not done on auspicious days. 

2311. The short form for daughter-in-law is DIL. In Hindi dhil (दिल) means the heart. So the daughter in law is like our heart. 

2312. People enjoy movies if they are in mother tongue. As I am hearing impaired all languages are same to me as I rely on subtitles. 

2313. Previously the parents were cursing their children for sending them to old age homes. Now they are happy to go to old age homes. 

2314. Most of the younger generation don’t know what Downs Syndrome is. Otherwise they will not delay their marriage. 

2315. “All, any, enough, more, most, none, and some” act as singular for a singular noun, but plural for a plural noun.


Why Udupi people are famous in catering? 

 In Dwapara Yuga the Kurukshetra war, between the Pandavas and the Kauravas was considered as the mother of all battles. In this war nobody could remain neutral. One had to be either on the Kaurava side or the Pandava side. All the kings – hundreds of them - aligned themselves on one side or the other. 

 The King of Udupi, however chose to remain neutral. He spoke to Sree Krishna and said, ‘Those who fight battles have to eat. I will be the caterer for this battle.’ Sree Krishna said, ‘Fine. Somebody has to cook and serve, so you do it.’ 

They say over 500,000 soldiers had gathered for the battle. The battle lasted 18 days, and every day, thousands were dying. So the Udupi King had to cook that much less food or otherwise, it would go waste.

Somehow, the catering had to be managed. If he kept cooking for 500,000 people it wouldn’t work. Or if he cooked for less, soldiers would go hungry. The Udupi King managed it very well. 

The amazing thing was, every day, the food was exactly enough for all the soldiers, who were alive, and no food was wasted. After a few days, people were amazed, "How is he managing to cook the exact amount of food!" 

No one could know how many people had died on any given day. By the time they could have taken account of these things, the next day morning would have dawned and again it was time to fight. 

 There was no way the caterer could know how many thousands had died each day, but every day he cooked exactly the volume of food necessary for the rest of the Armies. 

When someone asked him, "How do you manage this?" the Udupi King replied, ‘Every night I go to Sree Krishna’s tent. "Sree Krishna likes to eat boiled groundnuts in the night, so I peel them and after counting, keep them in a bowl. He eats just a few peanuts, and after he is done, I count how many He has eaten. 

If it’s 10 peanuts, I know tomorrow 10,000 people will be dead. So the next day, when I prepare lunch, I cook for 10,000 people less. Every day I count these peanuts and cook accordingly, and it turns out right."

Now you know why sree Krishna is so nonchalant during the whole Kurukshetra war. Since Sree. Krishna has given them the cooking job, they accept it as the Blessings of Sree Krishna.

 Hence, many of the Udupi people are traditionally caterers, even today.