Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Random thoughts 2256 to 2270.

2256. In life two things define us. Our PATIENCE when you have nothing and our ATTITUDE when you have everything.

2257. Two ears drawn together form the heart. You have the ear inside the hEARt. It means you can get into the heart through the ear.

2258. You have different meanings and pronunciations for a same word in English. Do you have such a word in Tamil? Eg: Bear.

2259. Homonyms, are words that have the same spelling and sound alike but have different meanings (e.g. Bark– dog bark, tree bark). செல்லாது, உண்டு.

2260. Albinism gives light skin, hair and eyes. It happens due to less melanin than usual in the body. Melanin gives skin, hair, and eyes the colour.

2261. If we start loving a person, slowly we will develop love. If we start hating a person, slowly we will develop hatred. Our attitude counts.

2262. We may be able to lift the Himalayas. But think thrice before asking another person to do the same whether he will be able to lift.

2263. Since the letter Y makes a consonant sound in the word "year", we should use "a" before it, and not the word "an". A year is correct.

2264. Life is too short to live with regrets. So love the people who treat you right. Forget about those who don’t. Believe everything happens for a reason.

2265. When you give too much of yourself to someone, You expect the same from them. And if you don’t get it you end up feeling hurt.

2266. If we throw the last bit of the bathing/washing soap, we are extravagant. If we fix it with the new soap, we are misers. What to do?

2267. The earlier generations believed in culture, rituals, rules and traditions. The present generation believes in love, freedom and independence.

2268. Do you know poor people who are below 70 and anyone above 70 can avail medical benefits for 5 lakhs under Ayushmann Bharat Digital Mission?

2269. If we do not develop the attitude that “this will also pass by”(இதுவும் கடந்து போகும்) we are most likely to suffer in life.

2270. While bathing, if you rub your legs with pumice stone and after bathing if you apply Vaseline or cold cream on the heels,  it will be smooth without cracks.

Monday, July 15, 2024


1. 70% of people like old songs because of the memories attached to them.

2. You appear more attractive when you make people laugh or smile.

3. 80% of women choose silence to express pain. They are hurt when ignored.

4. Overthinking is a special form of fear. 

5. The average woman smiles 60 times a day. An average man smiles only 10 times a day.

6. Intelligent men and women are more easily get annoyed in general.

7. Women and men experience the same kind of emotions but women are more honest with them.

8. We will not get the same moment twice in your life.

9. Introverts tend to have more thinking capabilities than extroverts.

10. Pretending not to care is the habit of those who care the most.

11. When you are close to someone, you can hear their voices when you read their letter.

12. Appreciating can boost confidence and motivate them to do better things.

Sunday, July 14, 2024


An old man goes to the bank, and gives a withdrawal cheque of Rs 1000/- to the young cashier at the counter.

Cashier: Sir, you should withdraw such a small amount from an ATM and do not waste my time.

Old man: What is your problem in giving me Rs. 1000/- in cash?

Cashier: Sorry sir, this is not possible. You either go to the ATM or increase the amount.

Old man: Okay, I want to withdraw the entire amount from my account.

The cashier checks the old man's account and tells him that the balance is Rs. 80,000. 

The old man tears the original cheque of Rs.1000/-, and writes a new cheque for Rs. 79,000 and gives it to the cashier.

When the cashier goes to take cash, he fills up the cash deposit slip.

The cashier comes back with cash and carefully counts Rs.79,000.

He gives it to the old man and says - "Sir, you count it before leaving the counter, so that there is no complaint later.

The old man took out two Rs. 500 notes from that pile, kept them in his purse and said -

"I trust you, son, I don't need to count. Now, here is the cash deposit slip, for Rs.78,000. Please Deposit it to my account. And also count the cash in my presence."

Cashier was unconscious...

Moral of the story: Don't mess with senior citizens especially if they are retired because they are no longer lions but one and a half lions.

Saturday, July 13, 2024


1. Never cry for the person who hurts you. Just smile and say, "Thank you”

2. Do not hate jealous people. They are jealous because they think you are better than them.

3. Do not waste your time on revenge. Those who hurt  will eventually face their own karma.

4. Do not tell anyone about your plans, show them the result.

5. There is no market for your emotions, so do not advertise your feelings.

6. Do not give up. Your day will come. The beginning is the hardest.

7. If you help someone and expect anything in return, you are just doing business not kindness.

8. Trust means everything. Once you break, saying sorry has no meaning.

9. Always remember that your present situation is not your final destination. The best is yet to come.

10. Never leave a true relationship for a few faults. Nobody is perfect/correct. Affection is greater than perfection.

11. Do not make a promise out of joy. And don't take a decision out of sadness.

12. Do not expect loyalty from people who can not give you honesty.

13. You will not know the value of this moment until you lose it and become your memory.

14. APPRECIATION is the easiest way of getting what you don't have.

Friday, July 12, 2024


1. Brush your teeth before going to bed.If possible take a shower.

2. Read at least 10 pages of a book. If it's non fiction, well and good.

3. Do stretches for a few minutes.This will relax your muscles and  get you a good sleep.

4. Keep a note and a pen near your bed. Sometimes great ideas may strike at 2 in the morning.

5. Drink a glass of water before sleep. If not, at least do this first thing in the next morning.

6. Write 3 things for which you are grateful for. Note down your expenses.

7. Pick the clothes you are going to wear for the next day.

8. Pack your bag for tomorrow's work. Do not miss any important document required for the next day.

9. Just spend 10 minutes not thinking about anything.

10. Breathe in and Breathe out for a few minutes.

Thursday, July 11, 2024


1. We live in times where we see many humans, but not humanity.

2. We live in times where the rich has more rooms than children and the poor has more children than rooms.

3. We live in times where smart phones bring far away people closer and closer people far away.

4. We live in times where we open the Facebook often but not our Holy Book once.

5. We live in times where a single mother can look after 10 children, but 10 children cannot look after a single mother.

6. We live in times where the rich walk miles to digest the food, while the poor walk miles in search of food.

7. We live in times where women are paid to be naked, while many have no clothes to cover their nakedness.

8. We live in times where our phone contact list is long but our relationship is very less.

9. We live in times where our possessions are more, but our satisfaction is less.

10. We live in times where we know how to earn a good income, but do not know how to lead a good life.

11. We live in times where many know the price of everything, but not the value of anything.

We live in a strange world. May God help, Guide and bless Us.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Secret of women, men must know.

1. They like the man who  takes the lead.

2. They like secretly if you have a crush on them.

3. They give their entire soul to the first love.

4. Though matured, they love to be treated like a little kid.

5. They like men to share their feelings, but they don’t mostly share.

6. Women find distinctive smells attractive.

7. They don’t disclose about their past experiences they had.

8. They like to stalk your social media.

9. Women generally appreciate another woman's beauty.

10. Women like it when you tease them.

11. They notice the small things. Like a new haircut, a different shirt etc.

12. Women set small tests to gauge your reactions.

13. They like compliments but genuine ones.(cooking etc)

14. They have a secret romantic fantasy inspired by movies or books.

15. They value emotional intelligence to understand and empathize with their feelings.

16. They appreciate grand gestures like listening, helping and being thoughtful.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Ten things to experience in life.

1. Athletic body. Then you will know what health is.

2. Be with a patient in a hospital. You will know what the patient and the others are going through.

3. Be a part of rescue team in any disaster. You will understand what extreme sorrow is.

4. A seven day trek, to know you can live happily without so many things.

5. Obsessive reading of fiction. This will extend limits of your imagination.

6. Obsessive reading of philosophy. You will know that nobody knows anything.

7. Holding your baby. You will understand what love is.

8. Learn any art. You will then be able to appreciate any art.

9. One year in hostel. You will know what a home means.

10. For one year be with grand parents. You will know what maturity is.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Lessons we learn while aging !!!

1. Your friends no matter how close, will disappear with time.

2. The most important relationship is the one you have with yourself.

3. Nobody cares about your hard work, they just look at the result.

4. Heart break and failures are part of life.

5. There's no place like a happy home.

6. Family and money matters the most.

7. Book is indeed a person's best friend.

8. Physical activity reduces stress.

9. Wasting time in regretting and crying won't fetch you results.

10. Whatever you want today won't matter to you tomorrow.

11. Your decisions define your life, not fate.

12. Childhood is the golden time.

Sunday, July 7, 2024


1. Pretending to be on your phone is the most common way to avoid an uncomfortable person or situation.

2. In Italy, it is not a crime to steal food if you are hungry.

3. In Portland, an author who wrote a book called “How to Murder Your Husband” was convicted today of murdering her husband.

4. It was a dentist who designed the electric chair.

5 .According to a study of over 3,000 marriages, the more money  spent on an engagement ring, the more likely to get divorced.

6. China only has 1 time zone. France has 12.

7. Airline ticket prices increase when you visit the travel site multiple times.

8. Drinking 3 glasses of water before bed increases your ability to remember your dreams.

9. Every December, every year, Mariah Carey earns over $1 million in royalties from her song 'All I Want For Christmas Is You.'

10. The brain of an elephant has the same reaction to a human being that the human brain has to puppies and kittens. They think we're cute.

Saturday, July 6, 2024


ஒரு சிறுவன் ஒரு சிறுமியிடம் சொன்னான்: நான் உன் BF என்று.

சிறுமி கேட்டாள்....."BF என்றால் என்ன...?"

சிறுவன் சிரித்துவிட்டு பதிலளித்தான்."உனது சிறந்த நண்பன்(Best friend)

அவர்கள் பின்னர் காதலிக்கும் போது, அந்த இளைஞன் யுவதியிடம் கூறினான்...."நான் உன் BF..." என்று.

 அவள் அவன் தோளில் லேசாக சாய்ந்து கொண்டு வெட்கத்துடன் கேட்டாள்:

 "BF என்றால் என்ன...?"

 அவன் பதிலளித்தான்:

 "இது பாய் ஃப்ரெண்ட்..."(Boy friend)

சில வருடங்கள் கழித்து அவர்கள் திருமணம் செய்து கொண்டார்கள், அழகான குழந்தைகளைப் பெற்றெடுத்தார்கள், கணவர் மீண்டும் புன்னகைத்து தனது மனைவியிடம் கூறினார்: "நான் உன் BF..." என்று.

 மனைவி மெதுவாக கணவனிடம் கேட்டாள்: "BF என்றால் என்ன...?"

கணவர் அழகான மற்றும் மகிழ்ச்சியான குழந்தைகளைப் பார்த்து பதிலளித்தார்: "குழந்தையின் அப்பா தான்..."(Baby's father)

அவர்களுக்கு வயதாகிய போது ஒருநாள் ​​​​அவர்கள் ஒன்றாக அமர்ந்து முன்  சூரிய அஸ்தமனத்தைப் பார்க்கிறார்கள், அவர் தனது மனைவியிடம் கூறுகிறார்: “அன்பே, நான் உனது BF.” என்று.

கிழவி முகத்தில் சுருக்கங்களுடன் சிரித்தாள்: "BF என்றால் என்ன...?"

முதியவர் மகிழ்ச்சியுடன் புன்னகைத்து ஒரு மர்மமான பதிலைக் கூறினார்......

"என்றைக்கும் உன்னுடன்" (Be forever)

இறக்கும் தருவாயில் மனைவியிடம் மீண்டும் கூறினார் "நான் உமது BF..." என்று.

வயதான மனைவி சோகமான குரலில் கேட்டாள்.......!! "BF என்றால் என்ன...??"

முதியவர் பதிலளித்தார்...."மீண்டும் வரேன்" (Bye for ever)

கொஞ்ச நாள் கழித்து அந்த மூதாட்டியும் இறந்து போனார். கண்களை மூடுவதற்கு முன், வயதான பெண்மணி முதியவரின் கல்லறையில் கிசுகிசுத்தாள் BF என்று......!

"என்றும் உம் அருகில்" (Beside for ever)


வாழ்க்கையின் வெவ்வேறு கட்டங்களில்  ஒரே வார்த்தையின் அர்த்தம் எப்படி மாறுகிறது...!!

Friday, July 5, 2024


Once a merchant brought two cows to a king's court. Both were healthy, beautiful and almost identical in appearance.

He told the king- "Maharaj! These two cows are mother and daughter, but I do not know which is the mother and which is the daughter. 

I could not find any special difference between the two. I asked  people but no one could identify the mother and daughter between them. 

Someone told me that your minister is intelligent and will definitely get the answer to my doubt. Please solve my problem!"

The minister got up from his place and went towards the cows. He inspected both of them closely but he too could not identify. 

Now the minister was in a dilemma. He asked the king for a day's time to identify the mother and daughter.

He came home very upset. His wife  asked the minister the reason for his worry, and he told her everything.

Hearing this, his intelligent wife said- 'Oh! That is easy and I can find out.

The next day the minister took his wife to the cows. She placed some food in front of the cows. 

After a while, she told the king which is the mother and which is the daughter. People were astonished.

When the king asked her how she recognised, the minister's wife said - "After eating its food, the first cow started eating the food of the second cow and the second one left her food for the first one. 

Only a mother can do this, that is, the second one is the mother. Only a mother can stay hungry for the child. Only a mother has the qualities of sacrifice, compassion, affection and motherhood."

Thursday, July 4, 2024


In Mahabharat, Karna asked Lord Krishna - "My mother left me the moment I was born. 

Is it my fault that I was born an illegitimate child?

I did not get the education from Dhronacharya because I was not considered a Kshatriya.

Parshu-Raam taught me but then he gave me the curse to forget everything at the opportune time.

A cow was accidentally hit by my arrow and its owner cursed me for no fault of mine.

I was disgraced in Draupadi's Swayamvar.

Even Kunthi told me the truth at the end only to save her other sons.

Whatever I received was through Duryodhan's charity. So how am I wrong in taking his side ?

Lord Krishna replied, "Karna, I was born in a jail. Death was waiting for me even before my birth.

The night I was born, I was separated from my birth parents.

From childhood, you grew up hearing the noise of the swords, chariots, horses, bows, and arrows.

But I got only cow herd's shed, dung, & multiple attempts on my life even before I could walk.

No Army, No Education.

I could hear people saying I am the reason for all their problems.

When all of you were being appreciated for your valour by your teachers I had not even received any education. But I joined Gurukul of Rishi Sandipani only at the age of 16! .

You are married to a girl of your choice. I didn't get the girl I loved and rather I ended up marrying those who wanted me or the ones I rescued from demons.

I had to move my whole community from the banks of Yamuna to far off Sea shore from Jarasandh, I was called a coward for running away.

If Duryodhan wins the war u will get a lot of credit. What do I get if Dharmaraaj wins the war?

Only the blame for the war and all related problems... Remember one thing, Karna:

Everybody has Challenges in life to face. LIFE IS NOT FAIR & EASY ON ANYBODY!!!

But what is Right (Dharma) is known to your Mind (conscience). No matter how much unfairness we got.

How many times we were Disgraced, we Fall, and what is important is how you REACTED at that time.

Life's unfairness does not give you license to walk the wrong path.

Always remember,

Life may be tough at few points, but DESTINY is not created by the SHOES we wear but by the STEPS we take.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024


Uddhava was a devotee of Lord Krishna. He was a scholar and intellectual.  He was so similar in appearance to Krishna that he was sometimes mistaken for him.

From his childhood, Uddhava had been with Krishna, charioting him and serving him in many ways. When Krishna was completing His Avatar, he called Uddhava and said,

“Dear Uddhava, you never asked anything. Why don’t you ask something now? I will give you.”

He asked Krishna, “Lord, I am curious to understand the reasons for your actions. Would you fulfil my desire to know?”

Krishna said, ‘Uddhava, what I told Arjuna was Bhagavad Gita. Today, my responses to you would be known as ‘Uddhava Gita’.

Uddhava starts asking ‘Krishna, first tell me who is a real friend?’

Krishna says, “The real friend is one who comes to the help of his friend in need even without being called”.

Uddhava: ‘Krishna, Pandavas trusted you fully. Then why did you not stop Dharmaraj (Yudhishtra) from gambling?

Why did you not turn the luck in favour of Dharmaraj, so that dharma won.?

You could have entered the hall and stopped the game when he started betting on his brothers.

At least you could have made the dice roll in a way that is favorable to Dharmaraj.

Instead, you intervened, only after Droupathi being dragged into the hall and disrobed in front of so many people.

Only when you help a person at the time of crisis, can you be called ‘Apadhbandhava’. If not what is the use? Is it Dharma?’

Bhagavan Krishna smiled.

Dear Uddhava, the law is: ‘only the one who has Viveka (intelligence through discrimination), wins’. While Duryodhana had viveka, Dharmaraj lacked it. That is why Dharmaraj lost’.

‘While Duryodhana had lots of money and wealth, he did not know how to play the game of dice. That is why he used his Uncle Shakuni to play the game while he placed the bet. That is viveka.

Dharmaraj also could have thought similarly and offered that I, as his cousin, would play on his behalf.

If Shakuni and I had played the game of dice, who do you think would have won?

Can he roll the numbers I am calling or would I roll the numbers that he is asking for.

Forget it. I can forgive the fact that he forgot to include me in the game. But, without viveka, he did another blunder.

He prayed that I should not come to the hall as he did not want me to know that he was compelled to play this game.

He tied me with his prayers and did not allow me to get into the hall; I was just outside the hall waiting for someone to call me through their prayers.

Even when Bheema, Arjuna, Nakula and Sahadeva were lost, they were only cursing Duryodhana and brooding over their fate; they forgot to call me.

Even Draupadi did not call me when Dusshasan held her hair and dragged her. She was arguing in the hall. She never called me.

Finally good sense prevailed; when Dusshasan started disrobing her, she gave up and started praying , “Hari, Hari, Abhayam Krishna, Abhayam’.

Only then did I get an opportunity to save her modesty. I reached as soon as I was called. I saved her modesty.

What is my mistake in this situation?

‘Wonderful explanation, Kanna, I am impressed. However, I am not convinced. Can I ask you another question’,says Uddhava.

'Does it mean that you will come only when you are called! Will you not come on your own to help people in crisis, to establish justice?’, asked Uddhava.

Krishna smiled. ‘Uddhava, everyone’s life proceeds based on their own karma. I don’t run it; I don’t interfere in it.

I am only a ‘witness’. I stand close to you and keep observing whatever is happening. This is God’s Dharma’.

‘Wow, In that case, you will stand close to us, observe all our evil acts; as we keep committing more and more sins, you will keep watching us. You want us to commit more blunders, accumulate sins and suffer’, says Uddhava.

Krishna says. Uddhava, please realise the deeper meaning of your statements.

When you understand & realise that I am standing as witness next to you, how could you do anything wrong or bad?

If Dharmaraj had realized that I am standing as witness, then wouldn’t the game have finished differently?’

Uddhava was spellbound and was so very overwhelmed by Bhakti._

He said,‘What a deep philosophy, Kesava. What a great truth!

When we start believing that nothing moves without Him, how can we not feel his presence as Witness?

Realise that God who is the ultimate Witness is with & within you! Please realise that HE is with us all the time when we do good as well as bad.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

What makes Dhoni special?

When you look at the helmets of the Indian players, you might have noticed the image of the tricolour along with the logo of the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI).

You might also have noticed that Dhoni did not keep the tricolour symbol on his helmet like other players. 

You might think that by not wearing the tricolour on his helmet like other Indian players he might seem like anti-national.

You know he has attained the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in the Indian Army , which is a shining example of Dhoni's patriotism.

Wicket-keepers wear the helmet only when facing the fast bowlers and not slow bowlers. They keep their helmets on the ground when facing slow bowlers.

Since Mahendra Singh Dhoni, apart from being a batsman, was also a wicketkeeper fielder, and sometimes he had to keep his helmet on the ground.

Dhoni may be off the view that keeping the helmet on the ground was an insult to our tricolour.

For this reason he did not consider it right to put the picture of the tricolour on his hamlet.

But we should appreciate Dhoni's patriotism expressed even in such a subtle way.