Sunday, March 3, 2024

Random thoughts 2121 to 2135.

2121. It is an offence to kill dogs that spread rabies. But it is not an offence to kill harmless chicken, goats, buffalo and pigs. How come?

2122. “Caesar’s wife is beyond suspicion" means if one is romantically involved with a prominent figure, one must avoid negative scrutiny.

2123. All our experiences in life make us not less valuable but more valuable, not less able to love but more able to love.

2124. Love actually cures people, both the ones who give love and also the ones who receive love.

2125. There is no surprise more magical than the surprise of being loved; it is God’s finger on man’s shoulders.

2126. New employees think that the organisation is important to them. Old employees think that they are important to the organisation.

2127. In IIT JEE (2024), 23 people scored 100%. Telangana 7, Andhra 3, Rajasthan 3, Maharashtra 3, Delhi 2, Haryana 2, Gujarat 1, Karnataka 1, Tamilnadu 1.

2128. When asked how his employees are punctual, a businessman said “out of thirty parking lots in my office, I keep one as paid parking lot”.

2129. In 1800, it was feared that telephones would destroy the community by invading privacy, make people lazy and anti social.

2130. Dutch trains run entirely on wind energy. A wind mill running for an hour can power a train for 20 miles without any emissions.

2131. Reading books and listening to the learned develop knowledge. Sharing that knowledge to impress others makes one a better speaker.

2132. 15th February is the childhood cancer day which is formed due to genetics disorder. This can be cured unlike adult cancer.

2133. 84% of Indians are glued to their smartphones after waking up spending 31% of their time of the day leading to health issues.

2134. The toilets should not be flushed with the lid open as otherwise the plumes will spread bacteria and viruses through out the bathroom.

2135. The son told his father that there is a small get together at the school. The father asked how small? The son said: the principal, you and me.

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