Here are some examples of positive thinking.
1. Doctor : Your Liver is enlarged
Patient : Does that mean it has space for more whisky ?
(This is called "Positive Thinking"
2. Lady to her dietician :- What l am worried about is my height and not my weight.
Doctor:- How come???
Lady :- According to my weight, my height should be 7.8 feet..
(This is called "Positive Attitude")
3. A Man wrote to the bank. "My Cheque was returned with remark 'Insufficient funds'. I want to know whether it refers to the Bank or my account?”
(This is self confidence in its peak !!)
This one is classic !!
4. A cockroach's last words to a man who was about to kill it : "Go ahead man and kill me, you are a coward. You're just jealous of me because I can scare your wife and you cannot..!!!!"
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