A man sitting in his living room, saw the news on the television stating that a devastating rainstorm is hitting the area.
His wife said “Honey, it looks like it might flood our area”. The man replied “I have prayed to God to save me, and I have faith that he will answer my prayer”.
After 12 inches of rain, the streets were filling fast with water. His neighbour rushed to him and said “It’s going to be a pretty bad flood, but I can still drive my truck and I can take you both to higher ground”.
His wife got up to go, but stopped when her husband said “I have prayed to God to save me, and I have faith that he will answer my prayer”
Soon the water entered their house, and it looked like a river outside. The local fire department sent a boat to look for people who were stranded.
They called the man “Come on! This may be your last chance to get out!” Again the man replied “I have prayed to God to save me, and I have faith that he will answer my prayer”.
Finally, he and his wife were standing on their rooftop , water rushing by, the house was obviously about to collapse.
Suddenly, a search-and-rescue helicopter came on the scene. They let down a ladder and called the couple to climb up. The wife could not wait any more and climbed up.
As she was climbing up, she could hear her husband saying “I have prayed to God to save me, and I have faith that he will answer my prayer”
The man then drowned.
When he entered the heaven, he was a bit annoyed. He wanted to speak with the God.
“Father, I had such a faith that you would surely save me. How could you let me drown?”
God replied: “I sent you news report, then a truck, then a boat, and then a helicopter. What more did you expect?”
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