Hi friends,
Doctors are next to God. They save precious lives. We are greatly indebted to them. I have come across many doctors in my life and I am astonished by their uniqueness, affection, sympathy, confidence, and talent. Nowadays, you have different doctors for different ailments. They specialize in different fields so that better treatment is afforded to the patients.
Pediatrics is one of the specialized fields. It deals with the treatment of children. It is a much more different and difficult field. An adult can explain his problems to the doctor whereas the child cannot. Its parents may not be able to. It is for the doctor to assess correctly. In case his assessment goes wrong it will affect the child and the family. Only those who have kids know about it.
In Chennai, near my house, there is a Pediatrician by the name of Dr.Reddy. His full name is not known to anyone. I know him for more than 40 years since my children were kids. I don't go to any other doctor for the treatment of children. He is more of a friend than a doctor. He is kind and does not prescribe strong antibiotics and he charges a minimum. He runs clinics at Anna Nagar and Saidapet.
About 18 years back, in 1999, I got my first grandson. My daughter who was residing at Adyar used to come all the way to Anna Nagar, for treatment with that doctor if my grandson fell sick. She had so much confidence in him. Children falling sick until 7 years is a regular affair. Only the parents are worried. My grandson was not an exception.
One early morning, my daughter came rushing down in her car saying that my grandson was vomiting frequently whatever he ate. Since the doctor was near my house, both of them went to see the doctor. He tested the child and asked the mother what happened. My daughter told him when he vomited first, she gave him warm water for digestion but the vomiting did not stop.
He did not prescribe any medicine but told her not to give warm water but only cool water from the fridge. The boy was so happy and after they returned home he ran to the fridge and took cool water and drank to his heart's content and there was no vomiting thereafter. There was another incident to prove his credentials.
After ten years, my granddaughter was born in 2009. She was only two weeks old after discharge from the hospital. To our dilemma, she had a big boil exactly on her naval. It was soft to touch and she was crying when we touched it. That showed she had some pain in the area. We took her to doctor Reddy for treatment.
After testing the baby, he did not prescribe any medicine but suggested rubbing the boil with a big-size stone salt, two or three times a day for two days. He did not charge anything also. In two days the boil was gone and her naval become normal and there was no indication of a wound there. Don't you agree that DOCTORS ARE AMAZING?
6:49 PM (11 minutes ago)
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Yes, true anna. They are a God-given gift.
Love Viji. My namaskarams
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