Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Monday, February 27, 2017
Hi friends,
Shakespeare said, "all the world is a stage and all the men and women are players". It is very true. We all know about life. I am not writing anything new. It is old wine in a new bottle. It may enlighten someone not matured enough to understand the intricacies of life. Human life is divided into 7 stages.
CHILDHOOD: We are born crying into this world. We are as fresh as a flower. We do not have any desires, vices, etc. We are always under the love and care of our mother. We know only love and nothing else. We are taught by our elders according to their knowledge, belief, and exposure and we follow it.
ADULTHOOD: This is the time we learn both good and bad. We become matured. We make decisions according to our KARMA. It is believed, unfulfilled desires of the previous births take a predominant role in the formation of the character of a person. Accordingly, we develop into a good or bad human being.
HUSBAND/WIFE: At the proper age we are married. We get a spouse. It is believed that marriage is an important event in one's life as otherwise there will be no direction in life. It will become just like a boat caught in a whirlpool. Only after marriage, life becomes purposeful.
PARENT: We get our child. We become a father or mother. We become more responsible. Now we understand our parents. We think about how much they would have suffered to bring us up. We develop a lot of love for our child. We live the rest of our life to bring up the child.
GRANDPARENT: Until we are 60, till our retirement, we work hard for our family. We educate the children, construct a house, save money for us and for their future, we get them married. We get the grandchildren through them and we feel our life is fulfilled.
OLD AGE: Slowly we become old and start withering. We lose our physical strength, teeth, vision, hearing and get various diseases. We are not able to live independently. We long for love and care from our children but they are busy. Realization of God comes to us now.
GODLINESS: Realization leads to renunciation. We lose all interest in life and develop Bhakti towards Lord. We visit temples and pray for our salvation. We shed our ego and pride and surrender before the Lord. Once again, we become like a child crying for our peaceful death. MAY GOD BLESS US.
Hi friends,
When the grandmother was a daughter-in-law, she cooked as per the advice of her mother-in-law and ate later after her husband and mother-in-law. While serving food, she stood behind the doors out of respect and responded by observing their plates.
When it was summer. she even fanned them from perspiration by using a hand fan [visiri]. She ate alone afterward whatever remained without minding the sweating. She did not involve in any other activity due to lack of education. THERE WAS LOVE BUT ALSO FEAR.
Then came her daughter-in-law, the last generation, now the mother. She cooked sufficient food for all as per the needs of the family. She first served her in-laws by standing near them and serving only when they asked for and switched on the fan if necessary to avoid food getting cold.
Then she ate alone or with her husband after attending to the needs of the in-laws. The remaining food was used on the next day. She was reasonably educated and she could involve in the education of the children till 10th std. THERE were LOVE AND FRIENDSHIP.
Then came her daughter-in-law, her son's wife, the present generation. She decided about all the purchases viz provisions, vegetables etc, handled the family expenses, decided about the menu, cooked mostly as per her learning from the Internet, ate along with her in-laws, served them food by her left hand and the remaining food was given to the servant-maid or thrown into the dust bin.
Due to better education, she completely looked after the children's education and also took up employment or any other activity and earned good money for the family. She mingled with her in-laws more like a daughter than a daughter-in-law. THERE IS LOVE, FRIENDSHIP, AND RESPONSIBILITY. Now tell me honestly, whether she should be rewarded or reprimanded?
Sunday, February 26, 2017
Hi friends
Without peace of mind, there is no happiness. Many people are clueless. Here are some important points that give you peace of mind and happiness.
1. Parents are living Gods. You have bad children but not bad parents. Do pranam to them daily. Talk to them and inquire about their health, sleep, food etc passionately.
2. Wife is your best friend. There may be a misunderstanding. That is life. Solve it on the same day. Do not carry over to the next day. Talk to her with love and convince her patiently.
3. Never let down your mother or wife. If one complains about the others ignore it. Convince them to have sympathy on the other. If you take sides, it is the end of your happiness.
4. Brothers and sisters are God-given. They are important. All are not fortunate. Visit them often. Be friendly with them. Do not fight/argue and develop misunderstanding.
5. Never be at the receiving end for anything from anyone including your children and friends. You should always give and not receive.
6. Do not fail to do your duties irrespective of your likes and dislikes. Lead a simple, honest and straight forward life and fear nothing.
7. Appreciate. Do not criticize. Develop the habit of appreciating others for whatever they do. This gives happiness to them and also to you.
8. Be independent until your health permits. You may join your children thereafter. Plan to have your own income and cover medical insurance.
9. Once you join them, do not interfere in their life. Do not demand or command or advice. Mind your business and lead your own life even if you are with them.
10. Learn to detach yourself from everyone and everything. Attachment is the root cause of all worries. Have 60% detachment and 40% attachment to anything including you.
11. Once you finish your duties, write your Will and get ready mentally for your last journey. Renounce everything one by one and pray to God daily to give you peaceful death.
12. Any other point you may consider that will make you happy and peaceful.
An American couple was celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary. It was unusual for Americans couples to live together for so long due to their independent lifestyle. Someone asked them what was the secret of their success. The lady answered.
After our wedding, we got our first child. We then decided, if we live together happily for 10 years, we shall again marry in a famous church in Italy. We remarried in that church after 10 years.
We then decided to remarry again in a famous church in Russia if we live together happily for another 10 years. We remarried after 20 years.
We are now remarrying in this church after living together happily for 30 years with 3 children. You want to know the reason for the our success in life? "WE NEVER SAY NO TO EACH OTHER" Can you do that?
Saturday, February 25, 2017
Hi friends,
The beauty of any language is in the usage of proper words. We must use the apt word suitable for the place. Otherwise, the beauty of the language is lost. In earlier days we were taught synonyms and antonyms to improve upon the usage.
Now, due to the advent of the Internet, laptop, Whats app, messenger etc, usage of the language has become totally different. If Shakespeare is alive now he will be clueless. People do not have the time and patience to read long passages
.Since I belong to the old school I am trying to cope with the trend and I am learning. Meanwhile, I read a posting on FaceBook by a friend about the usage of the English language which is funny and also thought-provoking.
.Terrible English by PT sir of a school in a village: Please enjoy.
1) There is no wind in football.
2) I talk, he talk, why you middle talk?
3) You rotate the ground 4 times.
4) You go and understand the tree.
5) I'll give you clap on ur cheeks.
6) Bring your parents and your mother and especially your father.
7) Close the window airforce is coming.
8) I have two daughters and both are girls.
9) Stand in a straight circle.
10) Don't stand in front of my back
11) Why Haircut not cut..?
12) Don't make noise.. principle is rotating in the corridor
13) Why are you looking at the monkey outside the window when I’m here?
14) You talking bad habit
15) Give me a red pen of any colour.
16) Can I have some snow in my cold drink?
17) Pick the paper and fall into the dustbin.
18) Both of u stand together separately.
19) Keep quiet the principal just passed away!
Thursday, February 23, 2017
Hi friends,
I don't indulge in politics not because I don't know anything. I know enough. To worship, we go only to the temple and not to the night club. Parliament and State Assemblies are like places of worship. Eminent people like Rajaji, Kamaraj, Venkatraman, Subramanian, Kakkan, and Bhakthavatsalam discussed issues relating to the welfare of the people. Honesty, integrity, corruption-free were the mantras.
I remember an incident when I was a 14-year-old boy. A famous political leader was released from jail. He was taken out in a huge procession. It was heading to a nearby town for a public meeting to celebrate his release. On the way, many people entered the nearby Agraharam, molested the womenfolk by pulling their sarees and cutting the pigtails and sacred threads of the men.
There was a saying "when you see a snake and a brahmin together, hit the brahmin and not the snake." Hotels having their community names were vandalized. The first priority for brahmins is education. Citing this, communal hatred was sown in the minds of the illiterate instead of giving them education or solving their problems.
On another occasion, when a leader was asked about his relationship with an actress, he replied that "she was neither a woman of chastity nor he was a saint to renounce her". Liquor shops were opened against the advice of great leaders like Rajaji. The maintenance of temples was neglected.
The lure of cinema also took the center stage and people were mad after the heroes. It took a heavy toll of Tamil Nadu politics. Without knowing the meaning of self-respect there was a movement for it. Counter to our epic Ramayana was staged everywhere. Illiterate people listened to all these political jargon and lost their way.
Fifty years have gone yet there is no improvement. The situation has become bad to worst beyond restoration. Instead of water, liquor is flowing in all rivers. There is no political discussion on policies and principles. Party politics has taken prominence. People who are non affiliated to political parties are the worst affected and they are crying in silence.
There is only fight on personal hatred and animosity. In the Assembly, throwing of chappals, chairs, paperweights, mikes, tearing of the shirt, and forcibly removing the person has become the order of the day. The temple has lost its sanctity. Politics has become like filth. I don't have the mental, physical, financial and intellectual acumen to make any revolution. That is why I don't involve or discuss politics. MY HEART BLEEDS.
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Hi friends,
I remember it was 1980 or 1981. I was working in Chennai. The office hours were 9-15 to 5-30 with 30 minutes lunchtime between 1 and 2. I never used to eat anything outside like my father. I carried lunch and came back home in the evening for coffee.
After the office, I walked up to Beach railway station, took an electric train to Mambalam and from there I went to my house in T.Nagar. The train was cheaper than the bus, more comfortable and lesser travel time.
My colleague, also a close friend, used to join me both in the morning and evening. He came from Ashok Nagar. He was elder and senior to me. I was 36 and he was 46. I had two kids and he had three. I was drawing at 1000 pm and he was getting 1300.
I had to be very economical since I was supporting my father and also constructed a small house on loan. When we return from office, he used to take tea daily in a shop. It was 25 ps per cup. When he offered me, I rejected it because I did not want to spend and I had to get him on the next day.
I used to wait for him until he finished his tea to proceed further. He compelled me to take the tea but I refused due to self-respect. One day another colleague but not my friend joined us. He was senior to my friend and also his friend. He was about 52 and drawing more salary than my friend.
He was well to do, had a house at chrompet but was a miser. When my friend offered him tea, he accepted it but never came forward to pay or to buy on the next day. It was happening daily and my friend continued to pay for both. Some people have a tendency to live at other's cost. I was a silent spectator.
I knew my friend was suffering from three kids. Unable to resist my sympathy for him, one day when we were coming together in the morning, I asked him why he was paying daily and why he could not make his friend pay at least on an alternate day.
He said, Kanna, he should come forward to pay if he had self-respect. How could I ask him? I could not stop taking tea nor tell him not to come with us. He had to realize. I said he was fooling around you. I didn't want to be a witness. I would not come with you hereafter. Am I correct?
Saturday, February 18, 2017
Hi friends,
I wish to share with you three inspiring incidents that I have read somewhere.
Two boyhood friends met after a long time. They studied together during their younger days. One was a wealthy businessman and the other was about to take up sainthood. They met in a small town and they were proceeding to another town.
On their way, there found a river in floods. Both had the urgency to cross the river to reach the other side. There was no way to cross the river. A boatman was sitting nearby with a boat. The businessman requested him to take them to the other side.
He said since the river was in spate and it was dangerous to live. The saint kept quiet but the businessman asked him how much he charged to cross the river. He said he charged Rs.100/. The businessman then offered him Rs1000/.
Lured by the handsome offer, he agreed and all the three got into the boat. After reaching the other side, the businessman sarcastically told the sanyasi, "See what money could do. Why do you want to renounce and become a saint without money?"
The sanyasi replied, " My dear friend, you could not cross the river until you had the money in your pocket. Only after renouncing the money you were able to cross the river. You could never cross the river by keeping the money in your pocket."
Two friends were on a pleasure tour. They had a list of places and the picnic spots to visit. They decided to stay in a town as it was getting dark. They planned to proceed on the next day. After dinner, they wanted to spend some time happily before going to bed.
One suggested going for a discourse on Bhagavad Gita by a famous person. The other man said we shall go to a prostitute and enjoy. Both of them could not agree and they went in their own way. Though they had gone separately they could not concentrate and enjoy.
The one who went for the discourse was wondering how much his friend might be enjoying the prostitute. Whereas, the other one who went to the prostitute was thinking how much his friend would be enjoying the lecture on Bhagavad Gita. Now tell me who was more devoted to God.
A man and a woman who decided to marry each other went to a sanyasi to seek his blessings. When they prostrated before him and sought his blessing, the saint told the woman to go to another room.
After she went, he asked the man why did he want to marry her. He replied, that she was beautiful, intelligent, educated, well employed, and propertied. Hence he wanted to marry her. Then he told him to go to the other room and called the woman.
When she came back, he asked her the same question about why she wanted to marry him. For this, she replied that he was handsome, intelligent, educated, well employed and propertied. Hence she wanted to marry him.
The sanyasi then called them and said, he was sorry to say that both of them were unfit to marry each other. They did not love each other. They loved only the material benefits of the other which were not permanent in life. To marry, they should love each other which alone would give them happiness.
Thursday, February 16, 2017
Hi friends,
When you ask a man who you love the most or who is very important to you, he will say outwardly that it is his mother but inwardly it is his wife. For many, the wife is the most wonderful person on earth. Recently, a friend of mine inquired about my wife as to how my sweet 16 is whereas she is actually my sweet 69.
Nowadays, I find my wife indifferent. She is not in her usual self. I find her busy helping the daughter-in-law with the domestic chores, playing all the time with the granddaughter, and talking to her son. She is not attending to me as before. When I pointed out this, you know what she said? Ridiculous. SHE ASKED ME TO MARRY AGAIN if I am unhappy.
I never expected this rebuttal. The woman has her own way of reprimanding the man. The poor fellow can do nothing. The human mind is a devil's paradise. If something bad has entered, it goes on brooding over it until a solution is found. I am no exception. I also started thinking if I am eligible now to marry again at 72? What a shame !! My status will nosedive.
People will mock me. I will become a scapegoat. What do other family members, brothers and sisters, their spouses, children, grandchildren, friends and above all my son-in-law and daughter-in-law will think about me? I swear, I do not have any such crooked idea but my mind does not keep quiet. My wife has stirred the hornets' nest.
I asked her who will come forward to marry me at this age? She said I am handsome and smart, hale and healthy, intelligent, without any ailments, without any vices and above all well propertied. I wonder if she knows more about me than I know. Lord Hanuman knew his strength only after another told him about it.
My crooked mind keeps wandering. It started justifying the wrong as right. Lord Rama showed in one avatar how one should be devoted to one's wife and should not think about another woman. The same Lord has shown in another avatar, Krishna, how a person should be able to manage two wives. After all, I am going to do it in one birth.
After all deliberations, I was helpless. I have the habit of consulting my wife when I am in a dilemma. I just wanted to show this piece of writing to her to find out how she reacts. As usual, she read this slowly and steadily, smiled gorgeously, squeezed my neck, and winked at me passionately as if we are lovers. I have understood. I am clean bowled neck and crop. I shall marry her again.
Monday, February 13, 2017
Hi friends,
Doctors are next to God. They save precious lives. We are greatly indebted to them. I have come across many doctors in my life and I am astonished by their uniqueness, affection, sympathy, confidence, and talent. Nowadays, you have different doctors for different ailments. They specialize in different fields so that better treatment is afforded to the patients.
Pediatrics is one of the specialized fields. It deals with the treatment of children. It is a much more different and difficult field. An adult can explain his problems to the doctor whereas the child cannot. Its parents may not be able to. It is for the doctor to assess correctly. In case his assessment goes wrong it will affect the child and the family. Only those who have kids know about it.
In Chennai, near my house, there is a Pediatrician by the name of Dr.Reddy. His full name is not known to anyone. I know him for more than 40 years since my children were kids. I don't go to any other doctor for the treatment of children. He is more of a friend than a doctor. He is kind and does not prescribe strong antibiotics and he charges a minimum. He runs clinics at Anna Nagar and Saidapet.
About 18 years back, in 1999, I got my first grandson. My daughter who was residing at Adyar used to come all the way to Anna Nagar, for treatment with that doctor if my grandson fell sick. She had so much confidence in him. Children falling sick until 7 years is a regular affair. Only the parents are worried. My grandson was not an exception.
One early morning, my daughter came rushing down in her car saying that my grandson was vomiting frequently whatever he ate. Since the doctor was near my house, both of them went to see the doctor. He tested the child and asked the mother what happened. My daughter told him when he vomited first, she gave him warm water for digestion but the vomiting did not stop.
He did not prescribe any medicine but told her not to give warm water but only cool water from the fridge. The boy was so happy and after they returned home he ran to the fridge and took cool water and drank to his heart's content and there was no vomiting thereafter. There was another incident to prove his credentials.
After ten years, my granddaughter was born in 2009. She was only two weeks old after discharge from the hospital. To our dilemma, she had a big boil exactly on her naval. It was soft to touch and she was crying when we touched it. That showed she had some pain in the area. We took her to doctor Reddy for treatment.
After testing the baby, he did not prescribe any medicine but suggested rubbing the boil with a big-size stone salt, two or three times a day for two days. He did not charge anything also. In two days the boil was gone and her naval become normal and there was no indication of a wound there. Don't you agree that DOCTORS ARE AMAZING?
6:49 PM (11 minutes ago)
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Yes, true anna. They are a God-given gift.
Love Viji. My namaskarams
Thursday, February 9, 2017
Hi friends,
The present generation is highly educated, with lucrative employment and fabulous income. They are intelligent, understanding, and accommodative. They do not argue, fight or disrespectful. They are always friendly, patient and listening. They do not depend on anyone.
They love their wife, children, and parents and meet all their needs. They don't carry cash but spend lavishly through Debit/Credit cards. Life is luxurious with electronic gadgets, the Internet, laptops, i-phones, Whatsapp, etc. The world has become narrower with frequent overseas visits.
Air travel, costly cars, apartments, dresses, convent schools etc are the order of the day. To lead the luxurious life, the women also go for employment. It looks as if there is no poverty and India has become prosperous within two decades. It is a spending economy.
The last generation was fairly educated, decently employed and were reasonably earning. They had lesser number of children and gave importance to their education. Need for finance was the main concern and they could lead only a reasonable life. It was a savings economy.
Like their parents, excepting a few, they were not willing to send the women for employment to ease the stress on finance. They followed their parents in every aspect of life. Mostly they depended on the parents and the children. Major portion of their income was used for the parents and the children.
They constructed small houses and led a simple life. Luxury was unheard of. They traveled by cycle, bus, train or two-wheeler. Due to lack of finance, they had frequent quarrels, misunderstanding, fights, and separation from parents on flimsy grounds and then there was also reunion at short notice.
The condition of the previous generation was miserable. They were not educated, nor well employed and were not earning much. They had many children and to feed the children itself was a major task. Only a few could afford a good education to their children. The women were not educated and did not go for employment.
With less income and booming expenses, poverty was the order of the day. They traveled by cart, cycle or bus. They largely depended on the children. They had all types of physical illness but could not spend on medicines. They neglected the diseases and suffered a lot and met with unexpected death leaving the family in the lurch.
These are the living standards of the three generations. In spite of all the difficulties, trials and tribulations in their life the three generations have a lot of love for their parents and above all, there is the devotion to them.
After all, what the old people need is sharing, caring and unconditional love. With all their plus factors, the present generation is able to take care of the parents far better than the previous two generations. MAY GOD BLESS YOU.
Hi friends,
When my children were kids, I used to visit my close relatives so that they could get good exposure. One of my relatives was a voracious reader and he used to buy many books. Though I was interested in reading books, I could not buy due to high prices and I did not like to borrow books.
He bought books on short stories, comics, Maha Bharata, Ramayana, Tenaliraman, etc. for his two sons who were of the same age as my children. His kids read those books without even playing with my children. My children had to look at them pathetically or played on their own.
He was well-positioned and he could afford to spend on books to develop the reading habit in his children. I could not do so due to financial constraints. I used to feel sorry for my children but I could not help it. I was aware that reading habit should be developed at a young age. What to do?
Lord Byron [ 1788 to 1824 ] said reading makes a man. It is the source from where one gets knowledge. It is the best companion when you are alone. You can go on be reading books forgetting the world. Later, I developed the habit of reading books by getting it from the library.
To develop the interest, one should start with the books of his liking. It may be on any subject. He may start reading magazines, comics, newspaper, etc. He may then switch over to novels. Friends will guide him to good novels.
Then he will not be able to remain without reading books and he will become an addict to it. After all, it develops his knowledge apart from spending his time usefully. Later on, he may switch over to religious and spiritual books to develop knowledge on God and other subjects.
Life is a continuous process of learning and there is no end for learning. I have read many novels and books on human relations, biography, religion, spiritualism etc and I have come to a stage wherein I cannot remain without reading. It has become a part and parcel of my life.
I request you to develop the habit though it is difficult initially. It develops vocabulary, it helps prepare children, it encourages a thirst for knowledge. Above all, it keeps your brain engaged and protects from Alzheimer. I can only guide you and it is up to you to take it or leave it. MAY GOD BLESS YOU.
Hi friends,
A father has many duties. Only a father can understand that. One among them is to perform the Upanayanam of his son at the proper age. It can be performed as a simple religious function in his house itself without any fanfare.
Upanayana literally means "the act of leading to or near". In ancient times, people used to perform this ceremony before sending the child to Guru ( teacher) and it is an individual's entrance to a school in Hinduism. The sacred thread (Yajnopavita) is received by the boy during this ceremony, which he continues wearing across his chest thereafter.
The Upanayana was restricted to the upper three of the four varnas (castes) of society — Brahmins, Kshatriyas, and Vaishyas. However, Vedic period texts encouraged all members of society to undergo the Upanayana, even Shudras. Women were encouraged to undergo Upanayana in ancient India before they started Vedic studies or before their wedding.
A Brahmin child's Upanayana must be performed when he is eight years old from conception, that is when he is seven years and two months old from birth and the upper limit is sixteen. A Ksatriya's is to be performed at the age of twelve. The corresponding age for a Vaisya is sixteen.
Uttarayana is the right period to perform Upanayana- It is the Tamil months Thai to Aani. when the sun journeys northwards. The season of spring (Chittirai to Vaikasi), [Vasantha Rudhu], [April 15 to June 15 ], and Maasi [Feb 15 to Mar 15] is considered to be auspicious months. [Courtesy-Internet]
I planned to conduct the Upanayanam of my son on 24th May 1995 when he was 15 as a small religious function in my residence in Chennai. When a man proposes, there is always an obstacle. My wife's monthly rest for three days, which was supposed to be over a week before the function, did not occur till the last moment.
We consulted Dr. Prema, an Obstetrician, and Gynecologist and requested her prescription to manage the situation. She questioned where in the Sastras was it written that the function should not be performed when she was in that condition? She also said my wife was 47 and if it was the setting of her menopause, taking the medicine would affect her health life long.
I was in a dilemma. Neither I could cancel the function nor I could get her the medicine. I left it to God. I told my wife, if anything happened, not to reveal the matter to anyone till the function was over. By God's grace, she did not get it due to the onset of menopause.
The doctor's words came true. I could not imagine how much she would have suffered if I got her the medicine? So remember wife is your life. Many people take this medicine indiscriminately. Do not ever commit this mistake. MAY GOD BLESS YOU.
Saturday, February 4, 2017
Hi friends,
On seeing this, you may pooh-pooh me. You may not have the patience even to read this. You may think, you have everything under your control and nothing will go out of your hand. The present generation has a good income but the cost of living is high. A planned life will make it successful. People talk about transparency, accountability, right to information, etc. Without accounting, you do not know where you stand and it is difficult to go up in life. Here are some tips.
1. Laziness is the root cause of not writing accounts. You must have an inherent desire that you are paid for the job and the savings are your pay.
2. Slowly you become accustomed to it like other activities viz sleeping, bathing, eating, etc. Then you become an addict to it.
3. I am not computer savvy. I write manually. If you can develop accounting on the computer it is better and confidential.
4. To start with, buy a Chitta notebook [a half size] having Debit and Credit rulings containing 92 pages which will come for 2 to 3 years.
5. At the end of the day, both of you sit together and write all the day's expenses without any omission. This is called "daybook"
6. At the end of the month, on a rough paper, open different heads of account, according to your nature of spending, viz provisions, rice, milk, phone, veg, capital, etc and post every entry from "daybook" and find the total of each head of the account.
7. At the end of the notebook, open cols.for months horizontally and for heads of expenses vertically.
8. Post the total expenses in each head of the account in the respective month.
9. At the bottom, provide few lines for the income viz salary, rent, others, etc
10. The last line is for savings. Deduct the expense from income and post it against savings.
11. At the end of the year, total everything and find the total savings and investments made.
12. At the end of each month ANALYZE the expenses and assess where you have to control.
13. This analysis is most important otherwise there is no purpose of writing accounts.
14. If the savings are 50% of the income, it is good. If it is 60% it is very good.
15 Your income goes up regularly. If you control the expenses now and start saving, you will get better results.
16. If you think you can save later when the income is more, you will never succeed.
17. Please bear in mind housing, education, medical expenses for self and parents, and retired life while planning.
18. Every wasteful expense will look like genuine. BEWARE.
19. Husband and wife should have a good understanding and cooperate with each other. Otherwise, it is better not to write and leave it to God as the family is more important than money.
20. One may be carefree or careful in spending. If both are carefree, they can not write. If both are careful, they find pleasure in writing. If one is careful and the other is carefree, it is better the accounts are written by the careful and the other should cooperate.
21. In writing accounts, you should have a long perspective and wait for the results.
22. Expenses on clothing should be controlled. Each member should have only 5 to 6 sets. Purchases should be made once in 4 years as a replacement after giving the old to the poor. No spending on birthday, festivals, etc.
23. When both are employed, there is a tendency to eat out often. This should be controlled as it is not good for health and the purse. You may go out once in a month.
24. Going for movies should be restricted to once in a month or once in two months.
25. There is difference between invitation and information.You should respect only invitation. Unless both families have visited and dined together mutually in their respective houses, it is not invitation.[colleagues excluded]
26. Normally people say income minus expense is savings, For you, it should be income minus savings should be expense.
27. Last but not the least, don't be a miser, life is to be enjoyed. I WISH YOU AND YOUR FAMILY ALL THE BEST. MAY GOD BLESS YOU ALL
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