Thursday, August 31, 2023
Tuesday, August 15, 2023
Random thoughts 1656 to 1670.
1656. Anger is a blessing when it upholds ethics and morality, but tolerance turns into a sin when it cannot safeguard ethics and morality.
1657. Walking 4000 steps a day reduces risk of dying from any cause. 2337 steps a day reduce risk of heart diseases. A study by scientists.
1658. The Mind is like a monkey. It goes on jumping from one subject to another. To direct it on the right path, we must perform good deeds.
1659. Flavour refers to the taste which includes smell, taste, spiciness, temperature and texture. Without smell we will not experience flavour.
1660. To see a movie, we unconsciously sit without moving for 3 hours and the strain of commuting to the theatre that takes a huge toll on our health.
1661. Offices in Chennai and Bengaluru have declared a holiday on August 10th due to the release of Rajini starer JAILOR movie.
1662. 36 years old woman posed as her dead father’s wife for 10 years to get pension of Rs.10,000 per month in UP.-News.
1663. Ideal couples use the same bathing soap. Understanding couples use same brand. Disputing couples use different brands. Hahaha.
1664. Bathing soaps are called soaps and Washing soaps are called detergents.
1665. Bathing soaps are potassium salts, soft without unused alkali. Washing soaps are sodium salts, hard and contain some residual alkali.
1666. In life, the first twenty years education, the next twenty years career, the third twenty years family and the last twenty years bakthi.
1667. If mosquitoes bite us, it can be interpreted either they like the taste of our blood or God punishes us for our misdeeds through them.
1668. All doctors must prescribe only generic drugs failing which they will be penalized and their license will be suspended- Indian medical commission.
1669. Reheated cooking oil contains harmful toxins, increases trans-fats, becomes rancid, gives rise to free radicals and takes a toll on health.
1670. In welding, you first get the sparks and then it joins. In wedding, you first join and then the sparks come.
Thursday, August 10, 2023
மனதில் தோன்றிய எண்ணங்கள் 1906 to 1920.
1906. யாரெல்லாம் நம்மோடு இருப்பார்கள், விலகுவார்கள் என்று காலம் முடிவு செய்வதில்லை. அவரவர்களின் வார்த்தையும், நடத்தையும் தான் முடிவு செய்கிறது.
1907. வாய் தவறி விழும் பேச்சுக்கள். கை தவறி விழும் கண்ணாடியை விட கூர்மையானது. யாரிடம் பேசுகிறோம், என்ன பேசுகிறோம் என்பதை அறிந்து பேசுங்கள்.
1908. நிம்மதியுடன் வாழ்கிறேன் என எளிதில் சொல்லப்படுவதில்லை. வாழ்க்கை அவ்வளவு எளிதில் நிம்மதியை யாருக்கும் தந்து விடுவதில்லை.
1909. மற்றவர் தவறைக் கவனித்துக்கொண்டே இருப்பவர்கள். தன் தவறுகளை வளர்த்துக் கொண்டே இருக்கிறார்கள்.
1910. பணம் இருந்தால் நீங்கள் உயர்ந்தவன் குணம் இருந்தால் குப்பை . நடித்தால் நல்லவன். உண்மை பேசினால் பைத்தியக்காரன். அன்பு காட்டினால் ஏமாளி. எடுத்துச் சொன்னால் கோமாளி.
1911. இறைவன் தனக்குப் பிடித்தவர்களுக்கே பொறுப்புகளை கொடுத்து, சோதனைகளை ஏற்படுத்தி.
பக்குவத்தையும், நிதானத்தையும் தருகிறான்.
1912. நிலவை தூரத்தில் இருந்து ரசிப்பதை போல சில உறவுகளையும் தூரத்திலிருந்து ரசிக்க கற்றுக்கொள்ள வேண்டும். வலிகள் இல்லாமல் இருக்கலாம்.
1913. தன்னுடைய செயலும், வார்த்தைகளும் மட்டும்தான் சரியன்று வாதாடுபவர்கள் மத்தியில் அமைதியை மட்டும் உங்கள் ஆயுதமாக வைத்துக்கொள்ளுங்கள்.
1914. சிந்தித்து செயல்படுங்கள். இதுவும் கடந்து போகும் அல்லது இதுவும் பழகி போகும்.
1915. நிலையென்று ஒன்றுமில்லை இவ்வுலகில். ஒவ்வொரு சோகமும், துன்பமும் வாழ்க்கையில் நல்ல பாடத்தை கற்று தரவே வருகின்றது.
1916. யாரும் உங்கள் கண்ணீரை, கவலைகளை, வலிகளை பார்ப்பதில்லை. ஆனால் எல்லோரும் உங்கள் தவறை மட்டும் பார்ப்பார்கள்.
1917. மனிதனும் வாழை மரமும் ஒன்று தான். தேவைப்படும் வரை வைத்திருப்பார்கள். தேவை முடிந்தவுடன் வெட்டி வீசி விடுவார்கள்.
1918. மழைத்துளியானது எப்படி சமுத்திரத்தை அடைகின்றதோ, அது போல எந்த தெய்வத்தை தொழுதாலும் அது கேசவனையே சேருகின்றது.
1919. ஒருவருடைய கடைசி காலத்தில் நிம்மதி இல்லாவிடில் பணம், புகழ், அதிகாரம் இருந்தும் பிரயோசனமில்லை.
1920. மனைவி என்ற பெண் உடன் இல்லையெனில், ஒரு ஆண் வெறும் ஜடமே. சாஸ்திர மரியாதை சிறிதும் கிடையாது.
Wednesday, August 9, 2023
Random thoughts 1641 to 1655
1641. We are always concerned about what we don’t have that others have instead of feeling happy with what we have that others don’t have.
1642. Three things cannot be hidden even with the best efforts. They are the Sun, the Moon and the Truth.
1643. Light skinned people lack the genes that protect them from getting skin cancer from the UV rays.
1644. Money allows us to buy anything among many. That is the beauty of money. If you have nothing to buy, there is no value for money you hold.
1645. CAG has tabled a report stating that 7.5 lakhs people have registered with same mobile number 9999999999 in PMJAY scheme.
1646. Eleven sanitation workers from Kerala who collectively won 10 crores in a lottery on a Rs.250 ticket decided to continue with their work.
1647. Soul means the spiritual part of a human being or animal, regarded as immortal. Sole means the undersurface of a person's foot or footwear.
1648. Facebook is a place where both right and wrong information is spread like wildfire making people either intelligent or ignorant.
1649. Drinking too much water will lead to water toxicity when the kidneys struggle to balance electrolytes leading to swelling of the brain.
1650. Inquisitiveness means the quality of wanting to know as much as you can about things, in such a way that annoys people.
1651. In bringing up children, show love until 5, teach and train until 15, treat as friend until the wedding, and give full freedom thereafter.
1652. Better to show care instead of advising. Better to encourage instead of appreciating. Better to fix life instead of telling how to live.
1653. The snack Momos contain mono-sodium glutamate (MSG) which leads to obesity, nervous disorder, sweating, chest pain, nausea and palpitations.
1654. Top toughest exam in the world: 1. Gaokao exam of China. 2. IIT JEE of India, 3. UPSC exam of India. 4. Mensa of England. 5. GRE of US/Canada.
1655. Q. What is aqua thermal treatment of ceramics, aluminum and steel under constrained environments?
A. Washing utensils.
Two weeks ago, a person very close to me died all of a sudden. I was talking to her regularly. Now I cannot talk to her anymore. Her sudden demise has just shattered me. I am reminded of the unpredictability of life and the fragile nature of our human journey.
Her passing made me rethink and reshuffle my priorities, which I believed were set in order. It made me question,
- What truly matters in this fleeting life?
- Are our daily pursuits blinding us from what's genuinely precious?
As I grieve the loss of a beloved person, I request each one of you to take a moment to think. To introspect. To assess your priorities. We often get wrapped up in chasing our goals missing out on precious moments with loved ones, neglect our health, or lose touch with our true selves.
Even though I used to talk to her every day, I still feel I have not expressed my love enough. So, make time for your loved ones now, express love today, and cherish every ticking second.
Saturday, August 5, 2023
Elderly in 70-80 years bracket are considered to be in in the MOST DANGEROUS ZONE
To have a Long Life, the 10 years from 70 to 79 years are crucial!*
Health experts say there are around two health problems per month for people between the ages of 70 and 79. Surprisingly, the health status of the elderly aged 80-89 is as stable as the 60-69 age group!
70-79 years is a dangerous period. During this period, various organs decline rapidly. It is a frequent period of various geriatric diseases, and it is often prone to hyperlipemia, arteriosclerosis, hypertension, and diabetes.
After entering the age of 80, these diseases will decline, and the mental and physical health may return to the level of 60-69 years olds!
Thus, the age of 70 to 79 years old is called the “dangerous age group”. As people grow older many people want to have a good healthy life. They realise that “Health is Wealth”.
The 10-year health care of 70 to 79 years olds is crucial.
Thursday, August 3, 2023
I have often thought about what makes people happy—what one has to do in order to achieve happiness.
1- First and foremost is good health. If you do not enjoy good health, you can never be happy. Any ailment, however trivial, will affect your happiness.
2- Second, a sufficient bank balance. It need not be in crores, but it should be enough to provide for comforts, for recreation, for eating out, for going to movies, for travel etc. Shortage of money can be demoralising. Living on credit or borrowing lowers one’s dignity.
3- Third, your own home. Rented places can never give you the comfort or security of a home that is yours. If it has garden space, all the better. Plant your own trees and flowers, see them grow and blossom, and cultivate a sense of belonging with them.
4- Fourth, an understanding companion, be it your spouse or a best friend. If you have too many misunderstandings, it robs you of your peace of mind. It is better to accept the differences than to be quarrelling all the time.
5- Fifth, stop envying those who have done better than you in life—risen higher, made more money, or earned more fame. Envy can be corroding; avoid comparing yourself with others.
6- Sixth, do not allow people to descend on you for gossip. By the time you get rid of them, you will feel exhausted and poisoned by their gossip-mongering.
7- Seventh, cultivate a hobby or two that will fulfill you—gardening, reading, writing, painting, playing or listening to music. It’s important to concentrate on something that keeps you occupied meaningfully.
8- Eighth, every morning and evening devote 20 minutes to meditation or introspection. In the mornings, 10 minutes should be spent listing the things you have to do that day.
9- Ninth, don’t lose your temper. Try not to be short-tempered, or vengeful. Even when a friend has been rude, just move on.
10- Above all, when the time comes to leave, one should go without any regret or grievance against anyone.
Wednesday, August 2, 2023
At 60, the workplace eliminates you. No matter how successful or powerful you were during your career, you will return to being an ordinary person. So, don't cling to the mindset and sense of superiority from your past job, let go of your ego, or you might lose your sense of ease!
At 70, society gradually eliminates you. The friends and colleagues you used to meet and socialize with become fewer, and hardly anyone recognizes you at your former workplace. Don't say, "I used to be..." or "I was once..." because the younger generation won't know you, and you must not feel uncomfortable about it!
At 80, family slowly eliminates you. Even if you have many children and grandchildren, most of the time you will be living with your spouse or by yourself. When your children visit occasionally, it's an expression of affection, so don't blame them for coming less often, as they're busy with their own lives!
At 90, the Earth wants to eliminate you. Some of the people you knew have already departed forever. At this point, don't be sad or mournful, because this is the way of life, and everyone will eventually follow this path!
Therefore, while your body is still capable, live life to the fullest! Read books, develop writing, listen to music, play games, eat what you like, see movies, stay healthy and do the things that you love.
Tuesday, August 1, 2023
Random thoughts 1626 to 1640.
1626. Scrutinize your desires every moment. Avoid negative desires. Attempt to cultivate positive desires. Your life will be positive.
1627. So long as we possess mind and intellect, so long as we have thoughts and desires, we are an imprisoned personality in this world.
1628. We have three bodies ie-gross body(visible parts), subtle body (Atman(soul), mind and intellect) and casual body (karma and samskara).
1629. The transference of the subtle body with the casual body from one gross body to another is called the death of the first and the birth of the second.
1630. The train is free to move anywhere but only on the tracks. Your destiny is like the railway lines. Freedom to move anywhere is your free will.
1631. The Sun provides energy and vitality for all including saints, sinners, animals and plants. The Sun should not be blamed for their activities.
1632. Just as there is death after life, there ought to be life after death. Death is change of state. There is nothing abominable, horrible or terrible.
1633. Birth and death are like two sides of a coin. There can be no birth without death. Nor death without birth. Seed destroys the tree and vice versa.
1634. The universe is nothing but creation, destruction and maintenance. It is personified as God. Birth, death and sustenance are the same principle.
1635. It is believed that a person is born with unfulfilled desires. Man is a bundle of desires. He will be born not with one desire but resultant desire.
1636. One witness is needed to prove a murder and three witnesses are needed to register a marriage. Which one is more dangerous ?
1637. Twenty one days notice is given for others to object to a marriage of a couple, but, one full year is given for same couple to object to separate.
1638. The divorce percentage (01%) in India is the lowest in the world. It shows the “adjust, accept, accommodate” policy of the people.
1639. From 1st August 23, there will be a QR code on top of 300 widely used medicines which will provide vital information about the medicines.
1640. For dinner, the mother usually calls others saying “dinner is ready”. Even in western culture it is followed. For fun, kids used to bang their plates.
Death is inevitable. No one can escape death. However, in the case of a couple who is to leave first is a debatable question.
Different couples express their love differently . Old people normally express their love by sacrificing for the other.
Many married women pray to God to bless them to leave the world prior to their husband [as Sumangali with the sacred thread].
Also to show her love for the husband, the wife wants to leave first. She wants her husband to live long and enjoy life.
In our society, the social stigma attached to a woman after losing her husband makes it difficult for her to lead a decent life.
A woman is respected until she works. She can manage by extending her help to others. Also another woman can take care of her.
Man is respected until he earns. The man is not that much fortunate to be taken care of by another man. He must know domestic chores to live.
Unless the man is financially stable and manage to live independently, it is better for the man to leave first.
Random thoughts 1611 to 1625.
1611. Percentage of divorce: India 01, Japan 35, GDR 38, UK/NZ 41, AUS 43, China 44, USA 45, South Korea/Denmark/Italy 46, Canada 47.
1612. How to keep the toilet seat? Either up or down? The ladies expect to keep it down but the gentlemen expect to keep it up. What to do?
1613. An Indian man working / living in Dubai, won Emirates Draws Fast5 lottery and will receive 5 lakhs per month for 25 years. How lucky !!!!
1614. On a right to information plea, a man in UP got answers for 40000 pages which he had to carry in an SUV.
1615. Most of the people feel sad that they have not lived their life happily when their spouse dies. So live happily now to leave happily.
1616. Though costly and less tasty, hotel food is preferred to homemade meals due to its variety and getting anything at the click of the finger.
1617. If a person is not capable of distinguishing between a good person and a bad person, then he will be facing a lot of problems in his life.
1618. The feelings in the absence of a person is much more than the feelings in his presence. How come?
1619. The nature of a person is the cumulative effect of all his/her past thoughts, desires and actions.
1620. Once you pull the trigger, the bullet has to travel in the direction of the barrel and hit the target. You can neither stop it nor you have any other option.
1621. The petrol is the prime mover and the engine runs the vehicle. Similarly God is the prime mover and the human does all the activities.
1622. A pessimist is one who sees difficulty in every opportunity. An optimist is one who sees opportunity in every difficulty.
1623. Your present difficulties are the result of your past unintelligent actions.
1624. The law of karma says that you are not only the product, victim, slave of the past but also the producer, architect , master of the future.
1625. For dinner, the mother usually calls others saying “dinner is ready”. Even in western culture it is followed. For fun kids used to bang their plates.
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